
From NWN Lexicon

[edit] Magical

Sounds related to magical effects (do not confuse with Spell sounds).

[edit] Sound

Sound Appears Description Notes Expansion
al_mg_ballmagic1 Magic Glowing Ball magical effect, hums, pulses Looping -
al_mg_beaker1 Magic Bubbling Beaker magical effect, sparkles and bubbles Looping -
al_mg_cauldron1 Magic Cauldron magical effect, sparkles and bubbles Looping -
al_mg_chntmagic1 Magic Chants chanting over magical humming note Looping -
al_mg_crystalev1 Magic Crystal Evil magical effect, shimmers, evil cries Looping -
al_mg_crystalgd1 Magic Crystal Good magical effect, shimmers, hums Looping -
al_mg_crystalic1 Magic Crystal Ice magical effect, shimmers, icy wind Looping -
al_mg_crystallv1 Magic Crystal Lava magical effect, shimmers, burns Looping -
al_mg_crystalnt1 Magic Crystal Neutral magical effect, shimmers Looping -
al_mg_entrevil1 Entrance Evil magical effect, evil magical sounds Looping -
al_mg_entrmyst1 Entrance Mysterious magical effect, windy chasm echoes Looping -
al_mg_entrscry1 Entrance Scary magical effect, evil sounds, whispers Looping -
al_mg_entrvevil1 Entrance Very Evil magical effect, evil cries, echoes Looping -
al_mg_entrvscry1 Entrance Very Scary magical effect, whispery echoes Looping -
al_mg_jacobs1 Jacobs Ladder electricity sizzles, snaps in rhythm Looping -
al_mg_pillrlght1 Lighting Pillar electricity sizzles, snaps, zaps Looping -
al_mg_portal1 Magic Portal Neutral magical effect, hums, zips Looping -
al_mg_portal2 Magic Portal Water magical effect, hums, splashes Looping -
al_mg_portal3 Magic Portal Fire magical effect, hums, burns, snaps Looping -
al_mg_portal4 Magic Portal Evil magical effect, hums, evil cries Looping -
al_mg_sourceston Magic Crystal Sourcestone magical effect, shimmers, echoes Looping -
al_mg_x0rui1 energy hums, water drips, echoes Looping SoU
al_mg_x0rui2 rumbles, wind blows, echoes Looping SoU
al_mg_x0rui3 rumbles, energy hums, ehoes, voices Looping SoU
al_mg_x0ssan energy, trembles, voices echo Looping SoU
al_mg_x2eldbrain Illithid Elder Brain energy hum, slimy goo, sludge, slurps Looping HotU
al_mg_x2illgrdhl Illithid Grand Hall Sphere energy humming Looping HotU
as_mg_frstmagic1 Magical Forest Noises magic sparkles, echoes Single Shot -
as_mg_frstmagic2 Magical Forest Noises birds chirp, echoes Single Shot -
as_mg_frstmagic3 Magical Forest Noises magic sparkles, birds chirp, echoes Single Shot -
as_mg_frstmagic4 Magical Forest Noises magic sparkles, swooshes, echoes Single Shot -
as_mg_telepin1 Magic Teleport In & Out magic swoosh, warp, and appear Single Shot -
as_mg_telepout1 Magic Teleport In & Out magic swoosh, warp, and vanish Single Shot -
vs_chant_conj_hf female conuration: 'obidai nabora cesma!' Spell Chant -
vs_chant_conj_hm male conuration: 'obidau nabora cesma!' Spell Chant -
vs_chant_conj_lf female conuration: 'obidai medua valkat!' Spell Chant -
vs_chant_conj_lm male conuration: 'obidai medua valkat!' Spell Chant -
vs_chant_ench_hf female enchantment: 'meong taetrach grash!' Spell Chant -
vs_chant_ench_hm male enchantment: 'meong taetrach grash!' Spell Chant -
vs_chant_ench_lf female enchantment: 'gorak vu mokain!' Spell Chant -
vs_chant_ench_lm male enchantment: 'gorak vu mokain!' Spell Chant -
vs_chant_evoc_hf female evocation: 'ibul soleino solatka!' Spell Chant -
vs_chant_evoc_hm male evocation: 'ibul soleino solatka!' Spell Chant -
vs_chant_evoc_lf female evocation: 'ortano fordigyama!' Spell Chant -
vs_chant_evoc_lm male evocation: 'ortano fordigyama!' Spell Chant -
vs_chant_illu_hf female illusion: 'kil kofim safim!' Spell Chant -
vs_chant_illu_hm male illusion: 'kil kofim safim!' Spell Chant -
vs_chant_illu_lf female illusion: 'fatas yegal esca!' Spell Chant -
vs_chant_illu_lm male illusion: 'fatas yegal esca!' Spell Chant -
vs_chant_necr_hf female necromancy: 'krau sestu bokor!' Spell Chant -
vs_chant_necr_hm male necromancy: 'krau sestu bokor!' Spell Chant -
vs_chant_necr_lf female necromancy: 'necul batrak egola!' Spell Chant -
vs_chant_necr_lm male necromancy: 'necul batrak egola!' Spell Chant -

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