
From NWN Lexicon


[edit] OnActivateItem

The script attached to this event fires when an item is activated that it is in the PC's inventory. This is useful when a particular item must be used at a location to proceed (such as opening a door) or causes a creature to be summoned.

[edit] Trigger

Whenever an item that has the item property spell "Unique Power" (targeted) or "Unique Power - Self Only" (self) casts its spell.

[edit] Function(s)

GetItemActivator() returns the owner of the item that was activated.

[edit] Remarks

For all purposes, the module owns the event, not the PC using the item. This means, for instance, that if you make a unique power item that damages creatures, the module and not the PC will be accredited with damaging the creatures. And if the item is used to kill a creature, the PC will gain no XP for this, as the module will get credit for the kill.

[edit] Example

// Taken from x0_onitemactv, original idea by tjm. 
// Generic OnItemActivate script.
void main()
    ExecuteScript(GetTag(GetItemActivated()), OBJECT_SELF);

[edit] See Also



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