
From NWN Lexicon


[edit] OnClientLeave

The script attached to this event fires when a client leaves the module. This can be used to remove any custom creatures spawned because of the appearance of a particular PC or a variety of other things. During this event, the player has already left. All data that pertains to the player is unavailable (GetPCPlayerName, GetPCPublicCDKey, GetPCIPAddress) and the player has become detatched from the character object, hence GetIsPC returns false. If you want any of this information at time of client leave, you must have already stored this information (on client enter is a good time to do this). Also, due to this, no locals can be stored on the PC at this time. If you want to store information pertaining to the player during this event, store it on the module with something to indicate which player and character it is for.

[edit] Trigger

Whenever a player logs out of a server or leaves the module. This event doesn't trigger in local/single player game at all.

[edit] Function(s)

GetExitingObject() returns the PC who is leaving.

[edit] Remarks

Triggers before player exit an Area and in case the player is dead, area's OnExit event won't fire at all. For more info see OnExit.

You can't get any information off the GetExitingObject(), which basically means you can't store, for example, thier location, and get it locally - SetLocalLocation() and GetLocalLocation() respectively. Some informations are however still accessable, namely: GetName, GetLocalInt, GetLocalString, GetLocalFloat, GetLocalLocation (this list is not exhaustive). However, while data can be accessed from local vars, setting local variables in this event doesn't work. To workaround it, you need to set local variable on module with the player ID / name as a part of the variable name, ie. SetLocalInt(OBJECT_SELF,ObjectToString(oPC)+"_exited",TRUE);

[edit] Known Bugs

GetPCPlayerName doesn't work properly during this event; GetExitingObject does not return an object that can be saved to the database. See above for reasons, and the other functions that do not return data.

[edit] Example

// In the Client Exit, the actual object (now almost like a dead-AI
// NPC) still exsists, but the PC's properties do not.
// In this example, we know GetName will work, such as a
// characters name "Hero". If we used GetPlayername(), it
// wouldn't return a valid string, mearly "".
// Other things that would be useful might be GetLocalInt(), 
// GetLocalString(), GetLocalLocation() and so on. These might
// be stored to the database, for example, for when they re-log
// into the server next time.
void main()
    // Valid data we could use:
    object oPC = GetExitingObject();
    // If they have an item, of tag SHOUT_EXIT, we shout to the
    // world we have exited. As it is the module shouting, it should 
    // appear as "[SERVER]" as the shouter name.
    if(GetIsObjectValid(GetItemPossessedBy(oPC, "SHOUT_EXIT"))
        // Shout
        SpeakString("Leaving!" + GetName(oPC), TALKVOLUME_SHOUT);

[edit] See Also



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