Projectile Trap Origin

From NWN Lexicon

[edit] Projectile Trap Origin

Starting points for projectile traps.

[edit] Placeables

Placeables ResRef Tag
Projectile Trap, Acid Fog x0_trap_acfog X0_TRAP_ACFOG
Projectile Trap, Acid Splash x0_trap_acspl X0_TRAP_ACSPL
Projectile Trap, Arrow x0_trapavg_arrow X0_TRAP_ARROW
Projectile Trap, Arrow x0_trapdly_arrow X0_TRAP_ARROW
Projectile Trap, Arrow x0_trapftl_arrow X0_TRAP_ARROW
Projectile Trap, Arrow x0_trapstr_arrow X0_TRAP_ARROW
Projectile Trap, Arrow x0_trapwk_arrow X0_TRAP_ARROW
Projectile Trap, Balagarn's Iron Horn x0_trap_balag X0_TRAP_BALAG
Projectile Trap, Blade Barrier x0_trap_blbar X0_TRAP_BLBAR
Projectile Trap, Blindness/Deafness x0_trap_blndf X0_TRAP_BLNDF
Projectile Trap, Bolt x0_trapavg_bolt X0_TRAP_BOLT
Projectile Trap, Bolt x0_trapdly_bolt X0_TRAP_BOLT
Projectile Trap, Bolt x0_trapftl_bolt X0_TRAP_BOLT
Projectile Trap, Bolt x0_trapstr_bolt X0_TRAP_BOLT
Projectile Trap, Bolt x0_trapwk_bolt X0_TRAP_BOLT
Projectile Trap, Chain Lightning x0_trap_cltng X0_TRAP_CLTNG
Projectile Trap, Circle of Death x0_trap_cdeth X0_TRAP_CDETH
Projectile Trap, Cloudkill x0_trap_ckill X0_TRAP_CKILL
Projectile Trap, Dart x0_trapavg_dart X0_TRAP_DART
Projectile Trap, Dart x0_trapdly_dart X0_TRAP_DART
Projectile Trap, Dart x0_trapftl_dart X0_TRAP_DART
Projectile Trap, Dart x0_trapstr_dart X0_TRAP_DART
Projectile Trap, Dart x0_trapwk_dart X0_TRAP_DART
Projectile Trap, Daze x0_trap_daze X0_TRAP_DAZE
Projectile Trap, Delayed Blast Fireball x0_trap_delay X0_TRAP_DELAY
Projectile Trap, Dispel Magic x0_trap_dmagc X0_TRAP_DMAGC
Projectile Trap, Entangle x0_trap_entan X0_TRAP_ENTAN
Projectile Trap, Fireball x0_trap_fball X0_TRAP_FBALL
Projectile Trap, Flame Arrow x0_trap_farrw X0_TRAP_FARRW
Projectile Trap, Grease x0_trap_greas X0_TRAP_GREAS
Projectile Trap, Greater Dispelling x0_trap_gdisp X0_TRAP_GDISP
Projectile Trap, Greater Spell Breach x0_trap_gbrea X0_TRAP_GBREA
Projectile Trap, Grenade - Acid x0_trap_gr_ac X0_TRAP_GR_AC
Projectile Trap, Grenade - Caltrops x0_trap_gr_ca X0_TRAP_GR_CA
Projectile Trap, Grenade - Choking x0_trap_gr_ch X0_TRAP_GR_CH
Projectile Trap, Grenade - Fire x0_trap_gr_fi X0_TRAP_GR_FI
Projectile Trap, Grenade - Holy x0_trap_gr_ho X0_TRAP_GR_HO
Projectile Trap, Grenade - Tangle x0_trap_gr_ta X0_TRAP_GR_TA
Projectile Trap, Grenade - Thundestone x0_trap_gr_th X0_TRAP_GR_TH
Projectile Trap, Gust of Wind x0_trap_gwind X0_TRAP_GWIND
Projectile Trap, Hold Monster x0_trap_hmons X0_TRAP_HMONS
Projectile Trap, Hold Person x0_trap_hpers X0_TRAP_HPERS
Projectile Trap, Isaac's Greater Missile Storm x0_trap_iscag X0_TRAP_ISACG
Projectile Trap, Isaac's Lesser Missile Storm x0_trap_isacl X0_TRAP_ISACL
Projectile Trap, Lesser Dispel Magic x0_trap_ldisp X0_TRAP_LDISP
Projectile Trap, Lesser Spell Breach x0_trap_lbrea X0_TRAP_LBREA
Projectile Trap, Lightning Bolt x0_trap_litng X0_TRAP_LITNG
Projectile Trap, Magic Missile x0_trap_mmiss X0_TRAP_MMISS
Projectile Trap, Melf's Acid Arrow x0_trap_melfs X0_TRAP_MELFS
Projectile Trap, Mind Fog x0_trap_mfog X0_TRAP_MFOG
Projectile Trap, Negative Energy Burst x0_trap_nebur X0_TRAP_NEBUR
Projectile Trap, Negative Energy Ray x0_trap_neray X0_TRAP_NERAY
Projectile Trap, Quillfire x0_trap_qfire X0_TRAP_QFIRE
Projectile Trap, Ray of Enfeeblement x0_trap_rayen X0_TRAP_RAYEN
Projectile Trap, Ray of Frost x0_trap_rayfr X0_TRAP_RAYFR
Projectile Trap, Searing Light x0_trap_seari X0_TRAP_SEARI
Projectile Trap, Shuriken x0_trapavg_shuri X0_TRAP_SHURI
Projectile Trap, Shuriken x0_trapdly_shuri X0_TRAP_SHURI
Projectile Trap, Shuriken x0_trapftl_shuri X0_TRAP_SHURI
Projectile Trap, Shuriken x0_trapstr_shuri X0_TRAP_SHURI
Projectile Trap, Shuriken x0_trapwk_shuri X0_TRAP_SHURI
Projectile Trap, Sleep x0_trap_sleep X0_TRAP_SLEEP
Projectile Trap, Sound Burst x0_trap_sobrs X0_TRAP_SOBRS
Projectile Trap, Stinking Cloud x0_trap_stink X0_TRAP_STINK
Projectile Trap, Sunburst x0_trap_sburs X0_TRAP_SBURS
Projectile Trap, Wall of Fire x0_trap_wlfir X0_TRAP_WLFIR
Projectile Trap, Web x0_trap_web X0_TRAP_WEB

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