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[edit] RetrieveCampaignObject(string, string, location, object, object)
Retrieves an object stored in the campaign database.
[edit] Parameters
Campaign name to retrieve the value from (case-sensitive).
Variable's name.
Location to create the object at.
Owner to attempt to create the object within. (Default: OBJECT_INVALID)
oPlayer associated with the object that was stored in the database. (Default: OBJECT_INVALID)
[edit] Description
Returns an object stored in the campaign database. Campaign names are case-sensitive. If you specify an owner, the object will try to be created in the owner's repository. If the owner can't handle the item (or if the owner is a creature), the item will be created on the ground.
Remeber: This will actually "create" the object. If there is nothing stored, nothing happens, and it returns OBJECT_INVALID.
Important Note: In sCampaignName any spaces in the string put in will be stripped. A string consisting of "Hello there" will become "Hellothere" (Note: Case sensitive), and thus may cause problems when deleting databases (See Also DestroyCampaignDatabase).
There may also be a limit on the length of sCamapignName, although if anyone knows, please contact us.
[edit] Remarks
Unknown as to what other types of owning objects can't handle an item. Unknown if the location matters when a valid owner is specified (but GetLocation(oOwner) should suffice).
Local variables that were on the object when you stored it don't appear to be stored in the database.
[edit] Known Bugs
1.64 reports that it fixed a crash caused by calling RetrieveCampaignObject() when the object being retrieved was gold and the gold was being acquired by a creature.
[edit] Version
[edit] Example
// Re-create our henchmen, stored in DB name "HENCHMEN" and // under name "HENCHMAN_ONE", at the modules starting location. void main() { // Declare where and what we are retrieving, and get starting location. string sDB = "HENCHMEN"; string sVariable = "HENCHMAN_ONE"; location lTarget = GetStartingLocation(); // Create it at the starting location RetrieveCampaignObject(sDB, sVariable, lTarget); }
[edit] See Also
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author: Charles Feduke, editor: Jasperre, additional contributor(s): Lilac Soul, Anthony Austin, Sr., Jasperre, Mike Hodgkinson