Secret Object

From NWN Lexicon

[edit] Secret Object

Objects hidden from view.

[edit] Placeables

Placeables ResRef Tag
Corpse x0_plc_bomb InvisibleObject
Corpse x0_plc_corpse X0_CORPSE
Divining Pool nw_pl_lostitems NW_PL_LOSTITEMS
Divining Pool plc_diviningpl DiviningPool
Enserric the sword x2_plc_intwp x2_plc_intwp
Glyph of Warding x2_plc_glyph X2_PLC_GLYPH
Glyph of Warding, Fireball x2_plc_glyph_fbl X2_PLC_GLYPH
NPC Altar x0_altar NW_ALTAR
NPC Interactive Placeable nw_interactive NW_INTERACTIVE
Recall Portal nw_recall_portal NW_RECALL_PORTAL
Rod of Wonder x0_rodwonder X0_RODWONDER
Secret Door x0_sec_door2 SecretStoneDoor
Secret Door x0_sec_door3 SecretStoneDoor
Secret Door x0_sec_door1 SecretWoodenDoor
Secret Grate x0_sec_grate1 SecretGrate
Secret Grate x0_sec_grate2 SecretGrate
Secret Portal x0_sec_portal SecretPortal
Secret Trap Door x0_sec_tdoor1 SecretTrapDoor
Secret Trap Door x0_sec_tdoor2 SecretTrapDoor
Server Portal nw_defportal NW_DEFPORTAL
The Hatchling x0_deck_hatch X0_DECK_HATCH
The Oracle x0_deck_oracle X0_DECK_ORACLE
The Plague x0_deck_plague X0_DECK_PLAGUE
TilePathfindWarning tilepathfindwarn TilePathfindWarning

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