SetBaseAttackBonus(int, object)

From NWN Lexicon

Sets the number of base attacks for the specified creature

void SetBaseAttackBonus(
    int nBaseAttackBonus,
    object oCreature = OBJECT_SELF


[edit] Parameters

Attack bonus to set
Creature to set the bonus on (Default: OBJECT_SELF)

[edit] Description

Sets the number of base attacks for the specified creatures. The range of values accepted are from 1 to 6.

[edit] Remarks

Contrary to the in-toolset description, this function works on player character.

This function does not actually set the base attack bonus for the character. Rather, it sets the number of attacks he can make in a round. As is standard in NWN, each successive attack per round suffers a -5 penalty. If the character has levels in Monk and fights with Unarmed Strike, each successive attack per round suffers a -3 penalty.

The additional attacks are not shown on the player's character sheet.

[edit] Version


[edit] See Also

functions:  RestoreBaseAttackBonus

 author: Lilac Soul

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