Trades and Academic and Farm

From NWN Lexicon

[edit] Trades and Academic and Farm

Work and craft equipment.

[edit] Placeables

Placeables ResRef Tag
Alchemist's Apparatus plc_alchapprtus AlchemistsApparatus
Alchemist's Apparatus x3_plc_alchem1 x3_plc_alchem1
Alchemist's Apparatus x3_plc_alchem2 x3_plc_alchem2
Anvil plc_anvil Anvil
Bolts of Cloth plc_bltofcloth BoltsofCloth
Book x2_plc_book2 X2_PLC_BOOK2
Cauldron x0_cauldron x0_cauldron
Crystal Ball x2_plc_cball X2_PLC_CBALL
Crystal Ball x3_plc_mage001 x3_plc_mage001
Forge plc_forge Forge
Globe x0_globe x0_globe
Hay Bale plc_haybundle HayBundle
Hay Bale x3_plc_hayb001 x3_plc_hayb001
Hay Bale x3_plc_hayb002 x3_plc_hayb002
Lecturn plc_lecturn Lecturn
Market Stall 01 x3_plc_market x3_plc_market
Papersheet x2_plc_psheet X2_PLC_PSHEET
Papersheets x2_plc_psheets X2_PLC_PSHEETS
Pile of Papersheets x2_plc_ppsheets X2_PLC_PPSHEETS
Pump x0_pump Pump
Rowboat x3_plc_boat001 x3_plc_boat001
Rural Fence x0_boulder FenceRural2
Rural Fence x0_fencerural FenceRural1
Rural Fence Gate x0_fenceruralgat FenceRuralGate
Sacks of Flour plc_sacks SacksofFlourGrainetc
Sawhorse plc_sawhorse Sawhorse
Scales x0_scales Scales
ScienceTube x2_plc_stube X2_PLC_STUBE
Telescope x0_telescope x0_telescope
Wheelbarrow x0_wheelbarrow Wheelbarrow

author: NWN Lexicon Group, editor: Mistress, contributor: Tyndrel


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