From NWN Lexicon
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[edit] VersusRacialTypeEffect(effect, int)
Set eEffect to be versus nRacialType.
effect VersusRacialTypeEffect( effect eEffect, int nRacialType );
[edit] Parameters
[edit] Description
Returns an effect modified in such a way as to be versus a specific race of creature only. Uses the RACIAL_TYPE_ constants to define the race to use.
[edit] Remarks
This is a pretty handy function when creating spell effects or special items to be used against (or by) a certain race of creature. Notice that it expects the RACIAL_TYPE_ constants as a parameter. If you wanted it to affect Elves only, you would set the parameter to RACIAL_TYPE_ELF. If you wanted it to affect all Giant type creatures, you set the parameter to RACIAL_TYPE_GIANT.
[edit] Version
[edit] Example
// A sword that does extra damage effect against dragons only. void main(){ effect eBonusToApply = EffectDamageIncrease(20, DAMAGE_TYPE_MAGICAL); eBonusToApply = VersusRacialTypeEffect(eBonusToApply, RACIAL_TYPE_DRAGON); object oTargetOfSpell = GetSpellTargetObject(); ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, eBonusToApply, oTargetOfSpell); }
[edit] See Also
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constants: |
author: John Shuell