
From NWN Lexicon


[edit] VersusTrapEffect(effect)

Modifies an effect so that it only works against traps.

effect VersusTrapEffect(
    effect eEffect

[edit] Parameters


The effect you wish to modify.

[edit] Description

Set eEffect to be versus traps.

[edit] Remarks

Much like setting an effect to work only against a certain alignment (Protection From Evil, etc), this allows you to raise reflex saves, dexterity, search values for a character but only make it effective against traps.

It can, of course, increase disarm trap skills versus traps - but they are only valid for traps anyway. Anything that a trap will not take into effect is a useless effect (such as a strength increase).

[edit] Version


[edit] Example

// Add +10 search, versus traps only, to the entering object.
void main()
    // Get object
    object oEnterer = GetEnteringObject();
    // Delcare effect
    effect eSearch = EffectSkillIncrease(SKILL_SEARCH, 10);
    // Make it versus a trap
    eSearch = VersusTrapEffect(eSearch);
    // Apply it permamently
    ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_PERMANENT, eSearch, oEnterer);

[edit] See Also



 author: John Shuell, editor: Jasperre

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