Voice Set Overview
From NWN Lexicon
[edit] Voice Set (Overview)
Voices for various characters in the game. For more details on the individual files that make up a voice set, see the " Voice Set " category.
[edit] Sound
Character Name | File Prefix | Type | Description | Dialog of Introduction | Expansion |
??? | vs_nx0tymom | NPC, partial | Ancient, elemental spirit or dragon. Listed in files but no Voice Set found. | So, what have we here? (rumble, effects) | SoU |
Aarin Gend | vs_ngendm | NPC, partial | Deep, rugged. Versatile. Equally good for evil or dark fighters and more. | Well met. | - |
Agarly | vs_nx2agarf | NPC, partial | References herself in every bit of dialogue. I hate that. Real thick accent. And dumb. | Ello. | HotU |
Arden Swift | vs_nx2ardem | NPC, partial | Somewhat older male. Good-natured, versatile. | Hail, traveler. | HotU |
Aribeth | vs_naribetf | NPC, partial | Overexposed in NWN campaign, a mix of anger and sweetness. Hammy. | Greetings and well met. | - |
Aribeth XP2 Blackguard | vs_nx2arief | Henchman | Aribeth's back, but this time she's evil, bad, bad, bad! Strong effect. | What now? (echo effect) | HotU |
Aribeth XP2 Paladin | vs_nx2arigf | Henchman | Aribeth again, with a happy gooder-than-good attitude! Strong effect. | Welcome. (echo effect) | HotU |
Armand | vs_nx2armam | NPC, partial | Deep, smarmy, European accent. Villainous leader. | Welcome. | HotU |
Asabi Thrall | vs_nx0asabm | NPC, partial | Toady, says 'master' a lot. Kobold? Weak, raspy and whiny. | Huh? | SoU |
Ashtara | vs_nx0ashtm | NPC, partial | Deep, Russian accent. Desert warrior chieftain. | Come, let us share wine together. | SoU |
Avariel, Female | vs_nx2avarf | Monster | Strong and righteous female voice. Angel. | I bid you greetings. | HotU |
Avariel, Male | vs_nx2avarm | Monster | Only listed when Both/All filters are chosen. Strong, righteous male. | Greetings. | HotU |
Ayala | vs_nx0ayalf | NPC, partial | Listed when the male filter is chosen. Nice female voice, young. Good paladin, etc. | Greetings, my friend. | SoU |
Berger | vs_nx2bergm | NPC, partial | Big idiot. Not very intelligent. Drawls, stutters a lot. | Uhhhh, hello. | HotU |
Boatman | vs_nx2boatm | NPC, partial | Charon type. Evil boatman. Bit raspy, pretends to civility. | Welcome. | HotU |
Boddyknock Glinckle | vs_favhen6m | NPC, full | Scholarly, small voice. | Greetings, friend. | - |
Celestial, Female, Guardian | vs_ncelestf | NPC, partial | Echo effect. | I greet you. (slight echo effect) | - |
Child, Female | vs_nchildf1 | NPC, partial | Child. A bit scary. | Hi. | - |
Child, Male, Brat | vs_nchildm2 | NPC, partial | Child. A bit annoying. | Hi there. | - |
Child, Male, Pleasant | vs_nchildm1 | NPC, partial | Child. Could be a female adolescent, too, I suppose... | Hello. | - |
Daelan Red Tiger | vs_favhen3m | NPC, full | Deep, rough, warrior type. | Well met, friend. | - |
Daelan XP2 | vs_nx2daelm | Henchman | Deep, rough, warrior type. | Well met, friend. | HotU |
Deekin Scalesinger | vs_nx0deekm | NPC, full | Kobold. Whiny, raspy and weak. Rather useless outside of SoU, eh? | Deekin greets the noble hero! | SoU |
Deekin XP2 | vs_nx2deekm | Henchman | Kobold. Whiny, raspy and weak. Rather useless outside of SoU, eh? | Deekin greets the noble hero! | HotU |
Desther | vs_ndesthem | NPC, partial | Formal, noble sounding or scholarly type. | Greetings to you. (almost Gleetings) | - |
Deva | vs_nx2divaf | NPC, partial | Cheerleader and head of glee club, on speed. | Hii! | HotU |
Dorna Trapspringer | vs_nx0dornf | NPC, full | Gravelly, slight Irish accent, sounds like a tough old woman. Dwarven references. | Well met. | SoU |
Dragon, Female, Brass Gorg | vs_ndbrassf | NPC, partial | Rumble, echo effect. | I am listening⦠| - |
Dragon, Female, Green Akula | vs_ndgreenf | NPC, partial | Rumble, echo effect. | (grumble) You have my attention. | - |
Dragon, Male, Red Klauth | vs_ndredm | NPC, partial | Rumble, echo effect. | You have my attention for the moment. (echo) | - |
Dragon, Male, White Evil Guardian | vs_ndwhitem | NPC, partial | Rumble, echo effect. | I am listening to you⦠| - |
Drogan Droganson | vs_nx0drogm | NPC, partial | Sean Connery if he played a dwarf. Good, versatile, but mostly for dwarves. | Well hello there. | SoU |
Drow Imloth | vs_nx2imlom | NPC, partial | Curt. Warrior, scout or spy. Only one drow-specific line. | Yes. | HotU |
Drow Matron2 | vs_nx2betyf | NPC, partial | Wicked, witch-like. Slight accent. Drow. | I greet you. | HotU |
Drow Seer | vs_nx2seerf | NPC, partial | A good drow female? Rather good voice if not so many specific references. | You are most welcome. | HotU |
Drow, Matron | vs_nx2drprf | NPC, partial | Hag-like, bitchy. Be warned, her _hi is enough to shrivel any interest in her looks. | Get on with it. | HotU |
Drow, Rebel | vs_nx2drslm | Monster | Friendly. Young. Good. Rather versatile. | Hello. | HotU |
Drow, Wizard | vs_nx2drmgm | Monster | Weasel-y, nasal. Wicked, cackling. | What do you want? (annoyed) | HotU |
Duergar, Chief | vs_nx2duerf | Monster | Female listed with male filter. Curt, rough and gruff female voice. Dwarf, etc. | Yes. | HotU |
Duergar, Slaver | vs_nx2duerm | Monster | Gruff, boisterous. Curt. Slathering. | Yeah!? | HotU |
Durnan | vs_nx2durnm | NPC, partial | Big fellow, subdued and mostly friendly. Good half-orc, maybe? | Greetings, adventurer. | HotU |
Dwarf, Male, Evil Thug | vs_nthugxm3 | NPC, partial | English accent, rough, deep. Good low class villain. | Well met. | - |
Dwarf, Male, Older, Grouch | vs_ngnbarm4 | NPC, partial | Scottish accent, rough, deep, but lively. Good dwarf, agitated fighter type. | Heeey, what? | - |
Dwarf, Male, Typical | vs_nprelum1 | NPC, partial | Bill Cosby's dwarf imitation. Or larger, grunting type, or shopkeeper. | Hellooo there! (then chuckles) | - |
Dwarf, Male, Veteran | vs_ndwarfm1 | NPC, partial | This is what I'd call a typical dwarf. | Hail to ye! | - |
Elf, Female, Commoner, Pleasant | vs_ngnbarf4 | NPC, partial | Young, light, small sounding voice. | Would you like something? | - |
Elf, Female, Guard | vs_nnwgrdf1 | NPC, partial | Somewhat formal. | I greet you. | - |
Elf, Female, Noble | vs_nx0maltf | NPC, full | Reserved, upper class, but still rather light and bubbly. Wizard references. | Yes, hello. (impatient) | SoU |
Elf, Female, Sensible | vs_ngnbarf1 | NPC, partial | Nice, versatile. | Hello there. | - |
Elf, Female, Typical | vs_ndruidf1 | NPC, partial | Whispery, much of the dialogue is quite subdued. | Greetings to you. | - |
Elf, Female, Wizard | vs_nwizarf1 | NPC, partial | Somewhat accented, rolling R's. All wizards are Russian? Interesting⦠| Well met. | - |
Elf, Male, Brooding | vs_nelfxxm1 | NPC, partial | It's Crocodile Dundee! An Australian accent? Good rowdy type. Not really brooding. | Hello there. | - |
Elf, Male, Cleric | vs_nclerim3 | NPC, partial | Small sounding voice, noble or scholar. A bit fruity. | Well met! | - |
Elf, Male, Guard, Mature Officer | vs_nnwgrdm2 | NPC, partial | Older, smooth, deep. Versatile. This is a bit more brooding, I'd say. | I greet you. | - |
Elf, Male, Slight, Lilting | vs_nprelum3 | NPC, partial | Real fruity. Elf. Only elf. | Greetings of the fair folk to you. | - |
Elf, Male, Typical | vs_nneverxm | NPC, partial | Slightly terse. Good elf voice without being too fruity. | Well met. | - |
Elf, Male, Upper-Class | vs_nnwcomm2 | NPC, partial | Sensitive or upper-class type, fairly versatile. Not too fruity, but on the edge. | Well met. | - |
Elf, Male, Wizard | vs_nx0cortm | NPC, partial | Forgotten Realms specifics in the voice. I hate that. This guy's a fruity wizard. | I greet you, in the name of Mystra. | SoU |
Female, Adventurer | vs_fx2advef | Player, full | Somewhat bland but versatile voice. Young. Wet, smacky lips. | Greetings. | HotU |
Female, Berserker | vs_fx0bersf | Player, full | Somewhat rugged, slightly accented, good for dwarf female or barbarian | What do you want? (annoyed) | SoU |
Female, Brutish Thug | vs_fthugf | Player, full | Raspy, grating, accented and not too feminine. Good for half-orc barbarian. | Hello to you, there. | - |
Female, Cold Killer | vs_fkillerf | Player, full | Somewhat school-marmish for a killer. _hi somewhat weak, others not bad. | Greetings and well met. | - |
Female, Feisty | vs_fx0feisf | Player, full | Mature, not too girlish. Versatile female voice, for somewhat rougher types. | Hey there! | SoU |
Female, Fighter | vs_ffightf | Player, full | Good, even tone, somewhat mature. Good for not just fighters. _hi subdued. | Greetings to you. | - |
Female, Guardian Reserved | vs_frangerf | Player, full | _hi annoying. A bit deep and mature. | Warm winds and hello. | - |
Female, Healer | vs_fx2healf | Player, full | Somewhat mature and stuffy. Subdued but kind. | Good day to you. | HotU |
Female, Innocent Idealist | vs_fshaldrf | Player, full | Somewhat adolescent, light, ditzy blonde-ish. Seems to fit smaller characters. | Well hello there. | - |
Female, Maiden | vs_fx2maidf | Player, full | Very young, innocent. Light and cheery. | Hi there! | HotU |
Female, Mature Commander | vs_fx0huskf | Player, full | Nasal, gruff, stern. Good for large, frumpy type. Kind of annoying. | Pleasure to see you. | SoU |
Female, Noble Matron | vs_fophalaf | Player, full | Sounds like a large woman. | Well helloo! | - |
Female, Noble Scholar | vs_feltoorf | Player, full | Formal, young and a bit on edge. | I bid you hello. | - |
Female, Playful | vs_fx0slinf | Player, full | Young, flirty, rather light and breathy. Gets very⦠excited. Damn, she's hot⦠| Why hello there. Pleased to meet you. | SoU |
Female, Quiet Leader | vs_fx0quief | Player, full | Deeper, strong, reserved voice. Good paladin, cleric. Doesn't get too excited at all. | Hail and well met. | SoU |
Female, Rogue | vs_fx2roguf | Player, full | Light and cheery, somewhat smaller sounding voice. Good halfling rogue. | How's it going? | HotU |
Female, Seductress | vs_fseductf | Player, full | Young, nice. Some dialogue is indeed... as advertised⦠| Well hello there. | - |
Fenthick | vs_nfenthim | NPC, partial | Noble or scholar type. Versatile. | Hello, and welcome to you. | - |
Gnome, Male, Annoying | vs_ngnomem1 | NPC, partial | Yup. | Good dayy! | - |
Gnome, Male, Older | vs_nthugxm2 | NPC, partial | Rough, grumbly. Could be dwarf, gnome, shopkeeper. | Greetings! | - |
Gnome, Male, Pleasant | vs_ngnomem2 | NPC, partial | Super polite, fruity, small but solid voice. | Hello there. (almost sing-songy) | - |
Gnome, Male, Typical | vs_nprelum2 | NPC, partial | Elf, gnome or halfling, noble human. | Greetings! | - |
Goblin King | vs_ngobkngm | NPC, partial | Goblin, stupid, good grovelling monster voice. | You welcome here. | - |
Golem, Metal | vs_nx2golgm | Monster | Metallic effect. Deep. Golem voice. | I bid you greetings. (metallic effect) | HotU |
Golem, Organic | vs_nx2golbm | Monster | Deep, rumbling, raspy, ponderous. Golem voice. | Welcome. | HotU |
Grimgnaw | vs_favhen5m | NPC, full | Raspy, rattle of death voice. Good for evil cleric, monk of death. Really⦠| Welcome, friend. | - |
Grovel | vs_nx2goblm | NPC, partial | Rat-like, toady monster type. References his own name, how un-useful. | Hello. Hi there. Greetings. | HotU |
Haedraline | vs_nhaedraf | NPC, partial | Raspy, snakelike, female lich? | Grreetingsss of the age to you⦠| - |
Halaster | vs_nx2halam | NPC, partial | Agitated, somewhat psychotic. Speaks in rhymes or doubles. Annoying. | Hello, hello. | HotU |
Half-Orc, Female, Baroness | vs_nx0uppsf | NPC, partial | Slow and annoying, deep and snooty. Could be a beefcake transvestite. | Why do you disturb me? (breathy) | SoU |
Half-Orc, Female, Lout | vs_nthugxf1 | NPC, partial | Deep, gravelly, raspy. Gollum's sister? Hits sound like dog barks. | Whhhat? | - |
Half-Orc, Male, Chieftain | vs_nbarbam2 | NPC, partial | Rough, rumbly, deep. A bit stupid. Sounds like he has fangs in his mouth (half-orc). | I greet you. | - |
Half-Orc, Male, Gruff Lout | vs_nhalorm1 | NPC, partial | Rough. Deep. Slow. Barbarian. | Helloo. | - |
Halfelf, Male, Agitated | vs_nquintm | NPC, partial | Agitated, yes. Fruity, yes. | Hii! Yes! What? | - |
Halfling, Female, Sensible | vs_nhalflf1 | NPC, partial | Bit deep for a halfling, could use for any fighter, cleric type⦠| Tis a pleasure to speak with you. | - |
Halfling, Female, Typical | vs_nprelum4 | NPC, partial | Listed when the male filter is chosen. Halfling cheerleader from Fargo. | Hello there! | - |
Halfling, Male, Typical | vs_nhalflm1 | NPC, partial | Yup. | Pleased to see you. | - |
Heurodis | vs_nx0heurf | NPC, partial | Ancient medusa, evil hag perhaps. Angry. Some magic effects. | A mortal comes before me I see. | SoU |
Human, Female, Barbarian | vs_nbarbaf1 | NPC, partial | German accented brute. | Yes, vhat? | - |
Human, Female, Barmaid, Flirty | vs_ngnbarf3 | NPC, partial | Kind, somewhat small voice. | What can I get you? | - |
Human, Female, Courtesan, Accent | vs_nprostf3 | NPC, partial | Sleazy, throaty, accent. Bonjour? French in a fantasy game? Okay... | Bonjour, hello. | - |
Human, Female, Courtesan, Friendly | vs_nprostf1 | NPC, partial | Young, bit sleazy, seductive. | Well, hello to you. | - |
Human, Female, Courtesan, Obvious | vs_nprostf2 | NPC, partial | Mature, sleazy. | Looking for a good time? | - |
Human, Female, Evil, Fanatic | vs_nfanatf1 | NPC, partial | Angry, witch-like. | Yess? What do you want? | - |
Human, Female, Guard, Sedos | vs_nnwgrdf2 | NPC, partial | A bit kind for a guard⦠| Something I can do for you? | - |
Human, Female, Middle-Age Commoner | vs_nnwcomf1 | NPC, partial | A bit mature, formal for a commoner⦠| I greet you. | - |
Human, Female, Noble, Caring | vs_nnwnobf1 | NPC, partial | Somewhat sultry. | Hello. | - |
Human, Female, Noble, Snobbish | vs_nnwnobf2 | NPC, partial | Large-sounding voice. | Welcome to you. | - |
Human, Female, Noble, Unfriendly | vs_nwncomf4 | NPC, partial | Curt, versatile. | Hello. | - |
Human, Female, Older Commoner | vs_nnwcomf2 | NPC, partial | Somewhat older, true peasant. | Good business to you. | - |
Human, Female, Older, Strange Hermit | vs_ncomolf1 | NPC, partial | Crazy old hermit lady is right. | Greetings! | - |
Human, Female, Young, Pleasant | vs_nnwcomf3 | NPC, partial | Versatile, true peasant. Could work for smaller characters, too. | Good tidings to ya! | - |
Human, Male, Average Joe | vs_hhenchm1 | NPC, full | Good versatile male voice. Not too hammed up. | Hey there. | - |
Human, Male, Barbarian, Good | vs_nxxgrdm2 | NPC, partial | Rough, gravely, accented. Violent. | I greet you! | - |
Human, Male, Barbarian, Stupid | vs_nbarbam1 | NPC, partial | Accented, rough. Somewhat older, less intelligent. | Well met! | - |
Human, Male, Barbarian, Warrior | vs_nbarbam3 | NPC, partial | Bit lispy. Rough, deep. Russian-style accent. | Greetings. (accent) | - |
Human, Male, Blackguard | vs_nx0leomm | NPC, full | Grumbly, deep, some accent. Rugged warrior. Not too evil for a Blackguard. | Hello there. | SoU |
Human, Male, Bully | vs_nthugxm1 | NPC, partial | Bully? This guy sounds more like a dumb, wimpy criminal type. | Hello there. | - |
Human, Male, Commoner, Older | vs_nnwcomm1 | NPC, partial | Older, deep, strong voice. Versatile. | Greetings. | - |
Human, Male, Commoner, Toady | vs_nwncomm4 | NPC, partial | This guy is flaming gay. Not that that's a bad thing. | Hellooo. | - |
Human, Male, Commoner, Uneducated | vs_ngnbarm2 | NPC, partial | Scummy, rough, real peasant type. | Tis a long day. I could use a drink. | - |
Human, Male, Desert Warrior | vs_nx0assmm | NPC, full | Deep, versatile, not too accented. Good guard, etc. Some desert references. | My greetings. | SoU |
Human, Male, Drunk | vs_nwncomm5 | NPC, partial | Yup. | (hic) Yess? | - |
Human, Male, Evil, Fanatic | vs_nfanatm1 | NPC, partial | Evil, high strung. Good scheming villain voice. | Well met. | - |
Human, Male, Evil, Methodical Villain | vs_nlusgrm2 | NPC, partial | Rough, strong. Very angry, yelling. Maybe not evil, just PO'd. | Salutations! | - |
Human, Male, Evil, Sly Assassin | vs_nlusgrm1 | NPC, partial | Wicked, scheming type. Annoyed by everything. | What? (annoyed) | - |
Human, Male, Evil, Typical Fighter | vs_nlusgrm3 | NPC, partial | Scottish accent. Not necessarily evil. | I greet ya. (accent) | - |
Human, Male, Farmer | vs_nfarmem1 | NPC, partial | Slight Irish accent. Good earthy type, strong but simple. | Greetins. | - |
Human, Male, Gigolo, Seductive | vs_nprostm1 | NPC, partial | Macho male but⦠you never know, he could be gay. | Helloo. | - |
Human, Male, Gigolo, Smarmy | vs_nprostm2 | NPC, partial | This has to be an elf prostitute. Gets histrionic. | Hi there. | - |
Human, Male, Guard, Arrogant | vs_nnwgrdm1 | NPC, partial | Stout guard, English accent, definitely needs a moustache⦠| Hello. | - |
Human, Male, Guard, Good, Rough | vs_nnwgrdm3 | NPC, partial | Strong, deep voice. Versatile. Friendly for a guard. | Well met. | - |
Human, Male, Guard, Gruff | vs_nxxgrdm1 | NPC, partial | More warrior type guard, more dutiful. | I greet you. | - |
Human, Male, Noble, Older, Uncaring | vs_nnwnobm2 | NPC, partial | Stuffy noble type, but a bit more manly than most. | I greet you. | - |
Human, Male, Noble, Snobbish | vs_nnwnobm1 | NPC, partial | Fruity noble type. In the closet, for sure. | I greet you. | - |
Human, Male, Noble, Young and Arrogant | vs_nclerkm1 | NPC, partial | Bit whiny, stressed out bookish type. | Yess? Do make it quick! | - |
Human, Male, Older Shopkeep | vs_nshopkm2 | NPC, partial | Large, friendly man. Gets excitable, though. | Hello there. | - |
Human, Male, Older Slave | vs_nwncomm3 | NPC, partial | Whispery type. Could work for dark alley rogue, outlaw. | Huh? | - |
Human, Male, Older, Confident Leader | vs_ndruidm1 | NPC, partial | Friendly, but gruff. Many references to nature. Druid, ranger? | Hello. | - |
Human, Male, Older, Melancholy | vs_nclerim2 | NPC, partial | Very old, bit hoarse voice. Old wizard, druid, any real old dude. | I greet you, my child. | - |
Human, Male, Older, Muttering Beggar | vs_nbeggam1 | NPC, partial | Pathetic, shivering beggar. Real peasant. | Spare a coin, friend? (shaky) | - |
Human, Male, Older, Street Prophet | vs_nbeggam2 | NPC, partial | Old, muttering man. Could be senile, or just hard of hearing. | What? What? What? Uh⦠Hello! | - |
Human, Male, Older, World-Weary | vs_ngnbarm1 | NPC, partial | Typical low class proprietor. English accent, pretty funny. | Oy, what can I get ya? | - |
Human, Male, Retired Adventurer | vs_nshopkm3 | NPC, partial | Strong, deep voice. Bit of an Irish accent. Versatile proprietor. | What can I do for you? | - |
Human, Male, Stoic Ranger | vs_nrangem1 | NPC, partial | Jeez, this guy has bad manners. Not too friendly a greeting. | What do you want? (annoyed) | - |
Human, Male, Teen | vs_nteenm | NPC, partial | Nerdy, bit bashful, awkward. | Hi there. | - |
Human, Male, Typical Brash Scumbag | vs_nbloodm1 | NPC, partial | Non-combat phrases actually quite friendly. Versatile. Pirate. | Hello. | - |
Human, Male, Typical Cleric | vs_nclerim1 | NPC, partial | Sounds like a small person's voice. Nasal, scholarly, priestly. | Hello to you. | - |
Human, Male, Typical Druid | vs_ngnbarm3 | NPC, partial | Friendly, deep voice. Turns angry in combat. Versatile. | Ello. | - |
Human, Male, Typical Low-Class Villain | vs_nbloodm2 | NPC, partial | Real pirate-sounding. This is more typical brash scumbag. | Aye. Ello there. | - |
Human, Male, Unsavory Shopkeep | vs_nshopkm1 | NPC, partial | Unsavory? Seems rather friendly to me, bit suspicious maybe. | Can I help you? | - |
Human, Male, Veteran Paladin | vs_npaladm1 | NPC, partial | Yup. | Well met. | - |
Human, Male, Veteran Rogue | vs_nroguem1 | NPC, partial | Self-assured, swaggering kind of rogue, not hardened criminal. | Yes? Hello. | - |
Human, Male, Wizard | vs_nwizarm3 | NPC, partial | Middle-aged, confident wizard. Typical wizardly type. | Hello. | - |
Human, Male, Wizard, Old | vs_nwizarm1 | NPC, partial | Old, powerful-but-acts-kinda-foppish wizard. Good voice. | Greetings! | - |
Imp, Ebrax | vs_nebraxxm | NPC, partial | High pitched, screechy, grovelling, annoying monster voice. | I greeet youu! | - |
Intellect Devourer Victim | vs_nintdevm | NPC, partial | Rough, gravely, evil but dumb. Does voice pitch change when you're possessed? | I give you greeting. | - |
J'Nah | vs_nx0jnahf | NPC, partial | Older woman, slight accent. Disinterested, witchlike. | Well, well, what have we, here? | SoU |
Katriana | vs_nx0katrf | NPC, full | Bit deep and rough, like so many female voices. Accent. Versatile. | Hello, there friend. | SoU |
Knower of Names | vs_nx2namef | NPC, partial | Oracle-type voice. Otherworldly, echoing. A bit fussy, childish. | Warm winds. (echo effect) | HotU |
Knower of Places | vs_nx2placf | NPC, partial | Oracle-type voice. Otherworldly, echoing. Old, nanny-ish. | Yes? Who is it? (echo effect) | HotU |
Legendary Weapon | vs_nx2intlm | NPC, partial | Disembodied voice of intelligent weapon. A rather gay lisp� | Well met. | HotU |
Lich, Karlat | vs_nkarlatm | NPC, partial | Angry, evil, rough and raspy. Slight accent. Lich. Slight supernatural echo effect. | I greet you. (echo effect) | - |
Lich, Mage | vs_nx0headm | NPC, partial | Evil and powerful, slow and ancient. Scary echoing effects. | You are not the master. (heavy effects) | SoU |
Linu La'neral | vs_favhen1f | NPC, full | Lots of 'dear' and references to her goddess. Otherwise nice. | Hey there, dear, how's it going? | - |
Linu XP2 | vs_nx2linuf | Henchman | Linu again. | Blessed be. | HotU |
Lizardfolk, Male Fanatical | vs_nlizardm | NPC, partial | Snakelike, raspy, hissing, but deep. Lizardman. | I am with you! | - |
Male, Archer | vs_fx2archm | Player, full | Deep, rugged, versatile. Only a tiny bit fruity. | Hello! | HotU |
Male, Boisterous Goodnatured | vs_fcallahm | Player, full | Somewhat older, veteran warrior. | Well, hello to you! | - |
Male, Brash Persistent | vs_faldom | Player, full | Irish sounding, leprechaun. Brash? Okay⦠| Good on ya! Hello! | - |
Male, Brooding Dark Hero | vs_fchristm | Player, full | Good strong male voice. Brooding? Okay⦠| Well met. Hello. | - |
Male, Dumb Hero | vs_fx0dumbm | Player, full | Adequate description. Good, loud, dumb guy. | Hey there! | SoU |
Male, Good Wizard | vs_fx2wizam | Player, full | Older, somewhat frazzled magician. | I bid you good day. | HotU |
Male, High-strung Evangelist | vs_fneurikm | Player, full | A little James Brown, a little annoying. | Hello, hello! | - |
Male, Large Rowdy | vs_fjalekm | Player, full | Finally, an adequate description. | Yeah. Hello! | - |
Male, Manic Psychotic | vs_fsirilm | Player, full | Another adequate description. Funny for a while, then quite annoying. | Hello thenâ¦. Well⦠| - |
Male, Mature Swashbuckler | vs_fvengaum | Player, full | Good, versatile, strong voice. I don't know if it's swashbuckling, but hey⦠| Well met, friend. | - |
Male, Neutral Warrior | vs_fx0subtm | Player, full | Versatile, strong, somewhat complaining. | My greetings to you. | SoU |
Male, Pious Scholar | vs_folefm | Player, full | Deep, scholarly, strong, wise, but gets riled up as well. | Greetings and well met. | - |
Male, Power-hungry | vs_fx0powrm | Player, full | Deep, somewhat evil. Slow and deliberate. Good villain voice. | Yes? | SoU |
Male, Prankster | vs_fx0prnkm | Player, full | Light, small sounding voice. Good halfling or gnome. Somewhat amusing. | Greetings and well met. | SoU |
Male, Reserved Guardian | vs_fnyatarm | Player, full | Bit deep, rough. Good, solid, versatile voice. | Yess. Hello to you. | - |
Male, Sociopath | vs_fx0psycm | Player, full | Deep, slow. Halting, in a Captain Kirk kind of way. Bit evil. | Hello. (sleazy) | SoU |
Male, Stealth Specialist | vs_fx0broom | Player, full | Deep rogue or brigand voice. Full-sized character, however. | What do you want? (annoyed) | SoU |
Male, Typical Fighter | vs_fx2fighm | Player, full | Somewhat bland but versatile voice. | Greetings. | HotU |
Male, Violent Fighter | vs_fclaudum | Player, full | Rough, loud. Good for fighter or dwarf type. | Good ta see ya! | - |
Maugrim | vs_nmaugrim | NPC, partial | Rough, large voice. Slight accent, bit Transylvanian. | Yees. I greet you. | - |
Medusa, Handmaid | vs_nx0csskf | NPC, partial | Medusa, yep. Snaky. | (rasp) Who comes this way? | SoU |
Mephistopheles | vs_nx2mephm | NPC, partial | Hell, yes! No pun intended, Good voice set, but references his name. | You come before a duke of Hell. | HotU |
Mhaere | vs_nx2mhaef | NPC, partial | Rugged, mature. Good. References Tyr. | Good evening. | HotU |
Minotaur, Zor | vs_nzorxxxm | NPC, partial | vs_nzorxxxm listed in files, but Minotaur, Zor voice set seems to produce no greeting. | (Rumble, snort) Greeet you! | - |
Mischa Waymeet | vs_nx0mishf | NPC, full | Light, kind, young. Trembles when agitated. Wizard references. | Greetings, friend. | SoU |
Morag | vs_nmoragf | NPC, partial | Wicked witch, ghost-like. Echo effect. | An age of greetings to you. (echo effect) | - |
Nasher | vs_nnasherm | NPC, partial | Deep. Scholarly. Strong. Good old wizard voice. | I bid you hello. | - |
Nathyrra | vs_nx2nathf | Henchman | Good, versatile voice, few references to The Seer and what not. | Greetings. | HotU |
Nymph/Dryad, Arwyl | vs_nnymphf | NPC, partial | Young, sultry, quite nice. | I welcome and greet you. | - |
Orc, Pompous | vs_norcambm | NPC, partial | Snorting orcish or beast voice. | Hello there to you! (snort) | - |
Quarry Boss | vs_nx2grulm | NPC, partial | Deep, evil, gravely, but full of threats, insults and cruel laughing. Orc slave boss, etc. | Poike off! | HotU |
Sensei Dharvana | vs_nx2sensf | NPC, partial | Light, cheery. Elf sounding voice. Good for cleric, etc. | You are welcome here. | HotU |
Sharwyn | vs_favhen2f | NPC, full | Young, versatile, nice. | Hello there. | - |
Sharwyn XP2 | vs_nx2sharf | Henchman | Sharwyn again. More accent this time? | Well met. | HotU |
Slave Leader | vs_nx2slavm | NPC, partial | Rather innocuous for a slave leader. Rather bland, overall. | Yes? | HotU |
Sleeping Man | vs_nx2sleem | NPC, partial | Ghostly, older voice. Poltergeist-like echo effect. Accented. | Yes? (pre-echo effect) | HotU |
Sobrey | vs_nx2sobrm | NPC, partial | Smallish, noble type. Friendly. Older. | How goes your adventures? | HotU |
Spirit, male, Zelieph | vs_nzeliepm | NPC, partial | Grovelling, somewhat annoying male spirit, ghostly voice. | I wellcome you. (echo effect) | - |
Succubus, Manipulative | vs_nsuccf | NPC, partial | Sultry, a bit deep, seductive, but also very angry. Dominatrix? | Well, hello there. | - |
The Fairy Queen | vs_nx2fairf | NPC, partial | Light, airy. Small sounding and friendly voice. Fairy-ish indeed. | Hello. | HotU |
The GateKeeper | vs_nx2gatem | NPC, partial | Grim Reaper type. Heavy effects and echo. Lots of references to death. | Hail the dead. (echo effect) | HotU |
The Genie | vs_nx2genim | NPC, partial | Overly animated, friendly sort. Not as wild as Robin Williams, but close. | Greetings! | HotU |
The Ogre Boss | vs_nx2ogrem | NPC, partial | Ogre or orc boss, broken English. Slow, and tusk-mouthed. | (Questioning grunt) | HotU |
Tomi âGrinâ Undergallows | vs_favhen4m | NPC, full | Deep, English accent and vernacular, bit rough for halfling voice⦠Good for rogue. | Ow arre ya? | - |
Tomi XP2 | vs_nx2tomim | Henchman | Deep, English accent and vernacular, bit rough for halfling voice⦠Good for rogue. | Hello. | HotU |
Valen Shadowbreath | vs_nx2valem | Henchman | Deep, rough, I'd say this is more 'Brooding Dark Hero' -ish. | Greetings. | HotU |
Valsharess | vs_nx2matrf | NPC, partial | Vicious ice-bitch. Shouts crazy names, dunno what they mean. Excellent death. | So, we meet at last. | HotU |
White Thesta | vs_nx2whitf | NPC, partial | Mature and breathy. I dunno, she's kinda hot⦠Limited, references Lady Firehair. | A fair evening to you. | HotU |
Wraith, Drawl | vs_ndrawlm | NPC, partial | Ghostly, cursed or possessed voice, angry, maybe evil. | I greet you. | - |
Xanos | vs_nx0xanom | NPC, full | Deep, Russian accent. Barbarian or gypsy type. Entertaining dwarf or orc. | You have something to say? | SoU |
Yuan-Ti, Female, Gulnan | vs_ngulnanf | NPC, partial | Snakelike raspiness. Swamp creature? | I grreet you. | - |
author: NWN Lexicon Group, editor: Mistress, contributor: Tyndrel