
From NWN Lexicon

[edit] Weather

Sounds related to the weather.

[edit] Sound

Sound Appears Description Notes
as_wt_gusforst1 wind blows through foliage Single Shot
as_wt_gustcavrn1 Wind Gust Cave wind blows, howls Single Shot
as_wt_gustchasm1 Wind Gust Chasm wind blows, rustles, howls Single Shot
as_wt_gustdraft1 Draft Gust Interior wind blowing Single Shot
as_wt_gustforst1 Wind Gust Forest wind blows, rustles foliage, howls Single Shot
as_wt_gustgrass1 Wind Gust Grass wind blows, rustles foliage, howls Single Shot
as_wt_gustsoft1 Wind Gust Soft wind blows, gusts, howls Single Shot
as_wt_guststrng1 Wind Gust Strong wind blows, strong gusts Single Shot
as_wt_thundercl1 Thunder Claps Near sharp thunder strike Single Shot
as_wt_thundercl2 Thunder Claps Near sharp thunder strike Single Shot
as_wt_thundercl3 Thunder Claps Near sharp thunderclap Single Shot
as_wt_thundercl4 Thunder Claps Near rolling thunderclap Single Shot
as_wt_thunderds1 Thunder Claps Far distant thunderclap Single Shot
as_wt_thunderds2 Thunder Claps Far distant, sharp thunder strike Single Shot
as_wt_thunderds3 Thunder Claps Far distant rolling thunder Single Shot
as_wt_thunderds4 Thunder Claps Far distant rolling thunder Single Shot

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