X0 i0 common
From NWN Lexicon
[edit] x0_i0_common
Common functions used across multiple include files.<br /><br /> NOTE 1: This file contains a couple of functions that are also present in x0_i0_transport.
[edit] Constants
Name | Value | Brief Description |
CONVERSATION_ATTEMPT_DELAY | 3.0 | Controls the amount of delay between persistent conversation attempts. |
DIFFICULTY_EASY | 1 | Difficulty setting for skill checks. |
DIFFICULTY_HARD | 3 | Difficulty setting for skill checks. |
DIFFICULTY_IMPOSSIBLE | 4 | Difficulty setting for skill checks. |
DIFFICULTY_MODERATE | 2 | Difficulty setting for skill checks. |
sAdviceSuffix | _ADV | This gets tacked onto the NPC's tag to denote the tag for their "home" waypoint. |
sDidQuitSuffix | _QUIT | This gets tacked onto the NPC's tag to denote the tag for their "home" waypoint. |
sFriendSuffix | _FR | This gets tacked onto the NPC's tag to denote the tag for their "home" waypoint. |
sHasHiredSuffix | _HIRED | This gets tacked onto the NPC's tag to denote the tag for their "home" waypoint. |
sHasInterjectionSuffix | _INTJ | This gets tacked onto the NPC's tag to denote the tag for their "home" waypoint. |
sHasMetSuffix | _MET | This gets tacked onto the NPC's tag to denote the tag for their "home" waypoint. |
sInterjectionSetSuffix | _INTJ_SET | This gets tacked onto the NPC's tag to denote the tag for their "home" waypoint. |
sOneLinerVarname | X0_CURRENT_ONE_LINER | Holds the current one-liner. |
sOneShotVarname | X0_ONE_SHOT_EVENT | Holds whether this NPC's one-shot event has occurred. |
sPersuadeAttemptSuffix | _PERSUADE | This gets tacked onto the NPC's tag to denote the tag for their "home" waypoint. |
sPersuadeSuccessSuffix | _PERSUADE_SUCC | This gets tacked onto the NPC's tag to denote the tag for their "home" waypoint. |
sRespawnLocationVarname | X0_RESPAWN_LOC | Goes on the PC to specify the respawn point for them and their henchman. |
sRouterTag | X0_EVT_ROUTER_M | The event router is the object in each module that will be responsible for receiving user-defined events (eg, for quest start or completion), and then in turn sending events out to the henchmen and other NPCs as appropriate to trigger new effects on them. |
sStartLocationVarname | X0_START_LOC | Marks the starting location of a creature. |
sThreatenSuffix | _THREAT | This gets tacked onto the NPC's tag to denote the tag for their "home" waypoint. |
X0_DEBUG_SETTING | 0 | If this is set to 0, all debug messages will be turned off. Note that the code WILL still be compiled in, so this is not ideal for final release. |
[edit] Functions
Name | Brief Description |
ClearAllDialogue | Call to clear all dialogue events. |
CreateEventRouter | Create the appropriate event router for this chapter in the starting location. The event router should be an invisible object. |
DBG_msg | Print out a short message to the log files. |
EndModule |
This *ALWAYS* returns false. That is the only thing this function does. |
FriendCheck | Friendly check. |
GetBooleanValue | Get the value of a TRUE/FALSE variable on the specified object. |
GetCampaignBooleanValue | Get the value of a persistent TRUE/FALSE variable on the specified object. |
GetChapter |
Returns the number of the current chapter of the game. |
GetDidPersuade | Determine whether the PC has successfully persuaded the NPC. |
GetEventRouter | Return the appropriate event router for this chapter. This function will create the event router if it doesn't already exist. |
GetEventRouterTag | Return the appropriate event router tag for this chapter. |
GetFriendly | Check how friendly/nasty the PC has been to this NPC. |
GetHasAdvice | Call to determine if the NPC has advice to give to this PC. |
GetHasInterjection | Call to determine if the NPC has an interjection to make to this PC. |
GetMyArea |
Returns the tag of the current area the specified object is in. |
GetOneLiner | Determine whether and which one-liner an NPC has available. |
GetPersuadeAttempt | Determine whether the PC has attempted to persuade an NPC. |
GetRespawnLocation | Get the current respawn point for the caller. |
GetTagNoPrefix | Returns the tag of the target with the 3-letter prefix (x0_) stripped. Useful since these are stripped from blueprint resrefs when editing copies. |
GetThreaten | Determine if the PC attempted to threaten the NPC. |
HasItemByTag | Determine if the target is carrying the specified object. |
MeanCheck | Unfriendly check. |
This function attempts to ensure that an NPC starts a conversation with a specified PC. | |
SetBooleanValue | Set a TRUE/FALSE value on the specified object. |
SetCampaignBooleanValue | Set a TRUE/FALSE persistent value on the specified object. |
SetDidPersuade | Indicate that the PC persuaded the NPC. |
SetFriendly | Indicate that the PC did something friendly use FALSE if the PC was nasty. This increments/decrements a variable on the PC and can be looked up to see how many friendly or nasty acts a player has committed to this NPC. |
SetHasAdvice | Call to indicate this NPC has some advice to give to this PC and which advice set if so. |
SetHasInterjection | Call to indicate this NPC has an interjection to make to this PC and which one if so. |
SetInterjection | Call to set the interjection value. |
SetOneLiner | Set whether an NPC has a one-liner available to make. |
SetPersuadeAttempt | Indicate that the PC attempted to persuade the NPC. |
SetRespawnLocation | Set the respawn point to the current location of the caller. |
SetRespawnLocationSpecific | Set the respawn point for the target to a specific location. |
SetThreaten | Indicate that the PC attempted to threaten the NPC. |
ThreatenCheck | Threaten check. |
author: Charles Feduke, editor: Mistress