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[edit] PersistentConversationAttempt(object, string, action)
This function attempts to ensure that an NPC starts a conversation with a specified PC.
void PersistentConversationAttempt( object oPC, string sConvo = "", action bPrivate = FALSE );
[edit] Parameters
The PC to start talking to.
The resource reference (filename) of a conversation. (Default: "")
Specify whether the conversation is audible to everyone or only to the PC. (Default: FALSE)
[edit] Description
This function attempts to start a conversation between the NPC this function is being called by and the specified PC (oPC) using the conversation file (sConvo) supplied.
If sConvo is left blank then the NPC's normal conversation file will be used instead.
if bPrivate is set to TRUE, then the conversation text will only be seen by the relevant player.
[edit] Remarks
Each of the four attempts is seperated by a 3 second gap.
[edit] Known Bugs
This function does not work as expected.
It will always make four attempts to start the conversation, even if the first one succeeds, each successive attempt ending / cancelling the previous one.
[edit] Requirements
#include " x0_i0_common "
[edit] Version
[edit] Example
//This code taken from a script in the OnUsed event of a lever void main() { //Get the PC who used the lever object oPC = GetLastUsedBy(); //Get the NPC who will start the conversation object oNPC = GetObjectByTag("NW_BOY"); //Start the conversation between the NPC and the PC AssignCommand(oNPC,PersistentConversationAttempt(oPC)); }
[edit] See Also
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author: Grimlar, additional contributor(s): Stefan Vitz