X0 i0 henchman

From NWN Lexicon

[edit] x0_i0_henchman

This include file REPLACES the original henchman include file (x0_i0_common.

[edit] Constants

Name Value Brief Description
DELAY_BETWEEN_RESPAWN_CHECKS 3.0 Amount of time to pass between respawn checks.
HENCHMEN_DIE_ANIM_DURATION 6500000000.0 Duration henchmen play their die animations.
MAX_RESPAWN_WAIT 60.0 The maximum length of time to wait before respawn.
sDeekin X0_HEN_DEE XP1 Henchmen tag.
sDorna X0_HEN_DOR XP1 Henchmen tag.
sGoHomeScript x0_ch_hen_gohome Script name.
sHenchmanDeathVarname NW_L_HEN_I_DIED
sHenchmanDyingVarname X0_HEN_IS_DYING
sHenchmanKilledSuffix _GOTKILLED
sHenchmanResurrectedSuffix _RESURRECTED
sLastMasterVarname X0_LAST_MASTER_TAG
sStoredHenchmanVarname X0_HEN_STORED
sXandos X0_HEN_XAN XP1 Henchmen tag.
X0_NUMBER_HENCHMEN 3 Number of henchmen.

This won't be the same as the GetMaxHenchmen() function due to followers.

[edit] Functions

Name Brief Description
AdjustXP2Levels Internal function. Adjusts the levels for the henchmen.
brentDebug Internal function. Commented out SendMessageToPC message to GetFirstPC.
CopyHenchmanLocals Copy all henchman-related local variables from source to target. Used when henchmen level up to keep variables consistent between the two copies of the henchman. This is a good function to look at to see what the local variables used on henchmen are.

If you want a function that will return OBJECT_INVALID no matter what parameters you send it, this one is for you!

There is a different version located in nw_i0_henchman .

DoRespawn This function actually invokes the respawn.
DoRespawnCheck Perform a single respawn check -- this function works in a circle with RespawnCheck.
FireHenchman Use to fire the henchman.

If you want a function that will return FALSE no matter what parameters you send it, this one is for you!

There is a different version located in nw_i0_henchman .


Returns TRUE if the henchman died. UNLIKE original in nw_i0_henchman , does NOT reset the value -- use SetDidDie(FALSE) to do that.

GetDidQuit Determine if the henchman quit.
GetDialogFile Internal function. Returns dialog file to use based on the state of the henchmen.
GetDialogFileToUse Internal function. Returns the filename for the appropriate dialog file to be used. Henchmen have various dialog files throughout the game.
GetHasMaxWaitPassed See if our maximum wait time has passed.
GetHasMet Returns TRUE if the player has met this henchman. This uses local variables, not campaign variables.
GetIsFollower Returns TRUE if oHench is a follower.
GetIsHenchmanDying Determine if this henchman is currently dying.
GetIsHired Returns TRUE if the henchman is currently hired.
GetKilled Determine if this PC got the henchman killed.
GetLastMaster Returns the last master of this henchman (useful for death situations).
GetPlayerHasHired Determine whether the player has ever hired this henchman.
GetPlayerHasHiredInCampaign Indicate whether the player has ever hired this henchman in this campaign.
GetResurrected Determine if this PC resurrected the henchman.

Determine whether the henchman is currently working for this PC.

Returns FALSE if(! GetMaster (oHench) == oPC).

HireHenchman Can be used for both initial hiring and rejoining.
KeepDead Keep dead by playing the appropriate death animation for the maximum wait until respawn.
LevelHenchmanUpTo Levels a henchman up to the given level, alternating between the first and second classes if they are multiclassed.
LevelUpAribeth Internal function. Initial Aribeth you meet in Chapter 3. Levels her up to level 16 Paladin, Level 6 Blackguard.
LevelUpXP1Henchman Levels up the henchman assigned to oPC.
PartialRes Internal function. Does a partial restoration to get rid of negative effects.
PostRespawnCleanup Clean up after the respawn.
PreRespawnSetup Set up before the respawn.
QuitHenchman Used when the henchman quits.
RaiseForRespawn Raise and freeze henchman to 1 hp so they can be stabilized.
RemoveAllFollowers Removes all followers. If bRemoveAll = TRUE then remove normal henchies too.
RespawnCheck Do the checking to see if we respawn -- this function works in a circle with DoRespawnCheck.
RespawnHenchman Respawn the henchman, by preference at the master's current respawn point, or at the henchman's starting location otherwise.
RetrieveCampaignHenchman Call this function when a PC enters a sequel module to restore the henchman (complete with inventory). The function StoreCampaignHenchman must have been called first, and both modules must use the same campaign database. (See notes in x0_i0_campaign.)

The restored henchman will automatically be re-hired and will be created next to the PC.
RetrieveHenchmanItems Retrieve (and then delete) all henchman inventory items out of the campaign database, putting them in the inventory of the henchman. This is paired with StoreHenchmanItems for the leveling-up process.
SetDidDie Set on the henchman to indicate they died; can also be used to unset this variable.
SetDidQuit Set whether the henchman quit this player's employ.
SetHasMet Use when the player first meets the henchman/NPC. This uses local variables, not campaign variables.
SetHenchmanDying Wrapper function added to fix bugs in the dying-state process. Need to figure out whenever his value changes.
SetIsFollower Sets whether oHench is a follower or not.
SetKilled Set got killed.
SetLastMaster Set the last master.
SetNumberOfRandom Internal function. Sets the number of random popups or interjections that the henchman has. Should be called in henchman spawn scripts.
SetPlayerHasHired Indicate whether the player has ever hired this henchman.
SetPlayerHasHiredInCampaign Indicate whether the player has ever hired this henchman in this campaign.
SetResurrected Set that this PC resurrected the henchman.
StopKeepingDead Stop keeping dead by playing the 'woozy' standing animation.
StoreCampaignHenchman Call this function when the PC is about to leave a module to enable restoration of the henchman on re-entry into the sequel module. Both modules must use the same campaign database for this to work.
StoreHenchmanItems Store all items in the henchman's inventory in the campaign database, skipping those items which have the henchman's tag in their name. This is paired with RetrieveHenchmanItems for the leveling-up process.
WrapCommandable Internal function. Toggles the henchman's commandable status.
X2_GetNumberOfHenchmen Internal function. Count number of henchman.
X2_FireFirstHenchman Internal function. Fires the first henchman who is not a follower.

  author: Mistress, contributor: Graewerld

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