
From NWN Lexicon


[edit] GetMaster(object)

Determine who controls a creature.

object GetMaster(
    object oAssociate = OBJECT_SELF

[edit] Parameters


Creature to get the master of. (Default: OBJECT_SELF)

[edit] Description

Returns the master PC of the specified creature (familiar) or the DM for DM controlled creatures.

[edit] Remarks

Returns OBJECT_INVALID if oAssociate doesn't have a master.

This can be used in a loop to find the PC who ultimately controls the associate (for instance, if there are multiple henchmen, or if the henchman has summoned a creature). In the code example below, for instance, the PC is granted XP OnDeath of a creature, even if the NPC was killed by an associate of the PC, or an associate of that associate, etc. etc.

Note: Ultimately returns the party leader if used in a loop as below. Fine for singleplayer, problematic for multiplayer.

[edit] Known bugs

This function always returns OBJECT_INVALID when used in creature OnSpawn event. To get correct results, use this function with slight delay or in signal event.

[edit] Version


[edit] Example

void main()
//The actual killer
object oKiller=GetLastKiller();
//Loop through until we find one that doesn't have a master
while (GetIsObjectValid(GetMaster(oKiller)))
//we're now at the top of the hierarchy. Let's check if it
//is a PC
if (!GetIsPC(oKiller)) return;
//Give XP
GiveXPToCreature(oKiller, 500);

[edit] See Also



 author: Charles Feduke, editor: Lilac Soul, additional contributor(s): Jochem van 't Hull, Lilac Soul

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