X0 i0 voice

From NWN Lexicon


[edit] x0_i0_voice

Library of functions to play the various voicechats.

[edit] Constants

Name Value Brief Description
VOICE_BADIDEA 90 Frequency this voice chat plays.
VOICE_BYE 90 Frequency this voice chat plays.
VOICE_CANDO 60 Frequency this voice chat plays.
VOICE_CANNOTDO 100 Frequency this voice chat plays.
VOICE_CUSS 90 Frequency this voice chat plays.
VOICE_DEATH 25 Frequency this voice chat plays.
VOICE_FLEE 90 Frequency this voice chat plays.
VOICE_HEAL 25 Frequency this voice chat plays.
VOICE_HELLO 90 Frequency this voice chat plays.
VOICE_LAUGH 100 Frequency this voice chat plays.
VOICE_LOOKHERE 100 Frequency this voice chat plays.
VOICE_NO 90 Frequency this voice chat plays.
VOICE_PICKLOCK 60 Frequency this voice chat plays.
VOICE_POISON 100 Frequency this voice chat plays.
VOICE_STOP 60 Frequency this voice chat plays.
VOICE_TASKDONE 60 Frequency this voice chat plays.
VOICE_THREAT 90 Frequency this voice chat plays.
VOICE_YES 90 Frequency this voice chat plays.

[edit] Functions

Name Brief Description
VoiceBadIdea Play the bad idea voicechat.
VoiceCanDo Play the I can do that voicechat.
VoiceCannotDo Play the I can't do that voicechat.
VoiceCuss Play the cuss voicechat.
VoiceFlee Play the flee voicechat.
VoiceGoodbye Play the goodbye voicechat.
VoiceHealMe Play the heal me voicechat.
VoiceHello Play the hello voicechat.
VoiceLaugh Play the laugh voicechat.
VoiceLookHere Play the look here voicechat.
VoiceNearDeath Play the near death voicechat.
VoiceNo Play the no voicechat.
VoicePicklock Play Pickpocket acknowledgement.
VoicePoisoned Play the poisoned voicechat.
VoiceStop Play the stop voice.
VoiceTaskComplete Play task complete acknowledgement.
VoiceTest Internal function. Test to see if valid to return this voice.
VoiceThreaten Play the threaten voicechat.
VoiceYes Play the yes voicechat.

[edit] See Also



  author: Mistress, contributor: Kookoo

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