X0 inc portal

From NWN Lexicon

[edit] x0_inc_portal

Library functions for the portal stone.

NOTE: This file includes x0_i0_henchman .

[edit] Constants

Name Value Brief Description
BASE_ANCHOR WBASE Base anchor for the area.

[edit] Functions

Name Brief Description
PortalCreateAnchor Creates a blank waypoint with the appropriate NAME as generated by the PLAYER NAME.
PortalGetAnchor Returns the anchor object based on a specified name.
PortalGetAnchorName Returns the name/tag of the anchor.
PortalGetNextAnchor Returns the next number of anchor allowed to be made, returns -1 if all are made.
PortalHasGold Checks to see if the target creature has at least a specific amount of gold.
PortalHasRogueStone Rogue Stone function.
PortalJumpHall Jump the player to the Hall of Doors - where they can then jump to any of their binding points.

Any other party members within 10 meters of the PC will be teleported as well.
PortalPlayerDied Returns true if the player has died and not jumped back to that point of death.
PortalSetupTokens Sets up the dialog tokens for the Portal Stone to work correctly.
PortalStoneHasRogueStone Internal function. Checks the Portal Stone in the player's pack to see if they have a Rogue Stone. Rogue Stones are required for teleportation.
PortalTakeGold Takes a specified amount of gold from a specific creature.
PortalTakeRogueStone The contents of this function have all been commented out.
MoveAllAssociates Internal function.
RestrictedArea Internal function.

  author: Mistress

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