X2 inc banter
From NWN Lexicon
[edit] x2_inc_banter
Include file for party banter and other group communication things.
NOTE: This file includes x0_i0_henchman .
[edit] Constants
Name | Value | Brief Description |
[edit] Functions
Name | Brief Description |
AttemptInterjectionOrPopup | This is the main interjection function called from x2_evt_trigger and any plot means of making banter happen. |
AttemptRomanceDialog | Nathyrra or Valen romance dialog. |
AttemptToShowInfo | Have the proper plot variables been set? |
BanterReady | Internal function. Checks to see if the henchmen is available for banter interjection and then moves them to the position of the Master, as well as OBJECT_SELF. |
DoInterjection | Actually starts the conversation. |
FireInterjection | Actually speaks the interjection. |
GetPlotProgress | Internal function. Returns TRUE if its time to say another romance line. |
GetRandomHench | Returns either the first or second henchman, randomly for purposes of interjections and such. |
GetRandomTextNumber | Looks for the valid random number to return. |
HenchmanMoveable | Returns TRUE if the henchman can walk. Meaning they are not dead, dying, or have one of several effects that would freeze them in place. |
TryBanterWith | Wrapper function to streamline that party banter system. |
ValidForInterjection | Returns TRUE if valid for doing an interjection. |
WrapInterjection | Call this at the highest level to fire the appropriate interjection. |
author: Mistress, contributor: Graewerld