X2 inc banter

From NWN Lexicon

[edit] x2_inc_banter

Include file for party banter and other group communication things.

NOTE: This file includes x0_i0_henchman .

[edit] Constants

Name Value Brief Description

[edit] Functions

Name Brief Description
AttemptInterjectionOrPopup This is the main interjection function called from x2_evt_trigger and any plot means of making banter happen.
AttemptRomanceDialog Nathyrra or Valen romance dialog.
AttemptToShowInfo Have the proper plot variables been set?
BanterReady Internal function. Checks to see if the henchmen is available for banter interjection and then moves them to the position of the Master, as well as OBJECT_SELF.
DoInterjection Actually starts the conversation.
FireInterjection Actually speaks the interjection.
GetPlotProgress Internal function. Returns TRUE if its time to say another romance line.
GetRandomHench Returns either the first or second henchman, randomly for purposes of interjections and such.
GetRandomTextNumber Looks for the valid random number to return.
HenchmanMoveable Returns TRUE if the henchman can walk. Meaning they are not dead, dying, or have one of several effects that would freeze them in place.
TryBanterWith Wrapper function to streamline that party banter system.
ValidForInterjection Returns TRUE if valid for doing an interjection.
WrapInterjection Call this at the highest level to fire the appropriate interjection.

  author: Mistress, contributor: Graewerld

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