On this page you can calculate how much experience would be needed to advance from one level to another by either teaching yourself, or learning from somebody else.
Learning from another player is always cheaper than learning from yourself, but requires that other player's effective teaching bonus in the relevant skill to be higher than your skill bonus. It does not matter in either case whether you learn one level at a time or several levels in one go, both the student's experience cost and the teacher's experience gain remain the same.
Select the skill you wish to advance. Enter the start and target levels. Optionally enter your stats and select a teacher or enter a teaching bonus. Click Calculate!
Self-teaching cost | Student cost | Experience saved | Teacher's experience gain* |
0 experience | 0 experience | 0 | 0 |
* Experience gain is reduced by half on a failed teaching check.
Please note, the results of this calculator may vary from the MUD by 1 or 2 occasionally. This is due to the different ways of computing and storing the numbers involved and cannot be helped without fully emulating the exact code used by the MUD.