Unseen University Library

This is a map of the Unseen University Library. A huge thank you to Zari for providing it.


  1. Woddeley's Occult Primer
  2. A book of poetry
  3. Invoakatyons in thee Mysterie of Wynd
  4. Spelles of thee Arte of Fyre
  5. A scrap of paper
  6. Thee Dyscyplyne of Thee Stoane
  7. Cunjuryng for Begynners
  8. Introeductyon too thee Strukture of thee Multyverss
  9. Ae Thousand and Onne thyngs ae Boye cann Do with Corpse Partes
  10. Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Everything
  11. The Olde Arte of Foode
  12. Weather Magick
  13. Intermediate Artifact Magic, fourth ed.
  14. Body Parts for the Advanced Student
  15. My Firste Demon-Summoning Booke!
  16. Spells of Thee Moste Ceremonious Rite of AshkEnte