Unseen University Library
This is a map of the Unseen University Library. A huge thank you to Zari for providing it.
- Woddeley's Occult Primer
- A book of poetry
- Invoakatyons in thee Mysterie of Wynd
- Spelles of thee Arte of Fyre
- A scrap of paper
- Thee Dyscyplyne of Thee Stoane
- Cunjuryng for Begynners
- Introeductyon too thee Strukture of thee Multyverss
- Ae Thousand and Onne thyngs ae Boye cann Do with Corpse Partes
- Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Everything
- The Olde Arte of Foode
- Weather Magick
- Intermediate Artifact Magic, fourth ed.
- Body Parts for the Advanced Student
- My Firste Demon-Summoning Booke!
- Spells of Thee Moste Ceremonious Rite of AshkEnte