EFF Shields

The effectiveness in blocking attacks is determined by the weight of the shield, i.e. a large wall shield will be much harder to knock down than a small wooden shield. As this is the case, it is much harder to successfully float a heavy shield than a light one.

The ability to float a shield is determined by the caster's bonus in magic.methods.physical.binding and the shield weight. The ability to control a shield is determined by the caster's bonus in magic.spells.defensive and the shield weight. Insufficient skill to control a shield will mean that the shield will fail to block attacks, and ability to cast the spell on a given shield does not guarantee that the shield will block efficiently for the caster.

Below is a list of shields and suggested magic.spells.defensive bonuses (compiled from tables by Sekiri and Sined). The first bonus column is what would give a fairly decent block rate with some chance of tms, whereas the second column is closer to maximum effectiveness.

Shield Weight (lb) Starting Bonus Effective Bonus
Small leather shield 2    
Medium leather shield 4 4/9 80 100
Wooden Djelian shield 5 5/9 110 130
Small wooden shield 6 6/9 120 140
Small metal shield / Cloud dragon shield 8 8/9 150 170
Ephebian round shield 10 160 180
Medium bone shield / Kushi umbrella 11 1/9 170 190
Medium wooden shield 13 3/9 190 210
Antique round shield 15 5/9 220 250
Medium metal shield / Thousand rose shield /
Portable running water shield
17 7/9 260 280
Large wooden shield / Seven-fold oxhide shield 20 290 320
Oval bronze shield 21 1/9 320 350
Large metal shield / Three star shield 26 6/9 380 410
Tsortean metal shield 27 7/9 410 440
Large copper wall shield (custom made - premium quality) 32 490 520
Bronze tower shield 33 3/9 520 550
Klatchian tower shield 35 1/9 ?    
Enormous spider carapace 35 4/9 600  

Custom Shields

These shields can be ordered at Ug Ogg's Custom armour shop in the Djelian Guard Guildhouse, Djelibeybi. It can be found at the north-east end of Djelibeybi near the Palace. The weights of the various combination of shield, materials and qualities are as follows:

Size Material Quality
Inferior Low Medium High Premium
Small Leather 3 3 3 3 3
Bone / wood 4 5 5 5 5
Everything else 8 8 8 9 9
Silver / copper 9 10 10 11 11
Medium Leather 6 6 7 7 7
Bone / wood 9 10 10 11 11
Everything else 16 16 17 18 19
Silver / copper 19 20 21 22 23
Large Leather 8 9 9 10 10
Bone / wood 13 13 14 15 16
Everything else 22 23 24 25 26
Silver / copper 26 27 29 30 32