Spell List


Spell Abbreviation Size GP Type Success Rate
A Cup of Tea and Sake CTS 15 25 Miscellaneous
Al'Hrahaz's Scintillating Blorpler AHSB 25 90 Miscellaneous
Amazing Silicate Blorpler ASB 5 10 Miscellaneous
Atmospheric Inscription Wonder AIW 25 80 Miscellaneous
Bifram's Amazing Fireworks BAF 15 50 Miscellaneous
Booch's Extremal Polymorphism BEP 45 70 Miscellaneous
Boolywog's Forbidden Pleasures BFP 10 25 Miscellaneous
Brassica Oleracea Ambulata BOA 10 40 Miscellaneous
Brother Happalon's Elementary Enchanting BHEE 5 35 Miscellaneous
Cherry Blossoms in Bloom CBB 10 25 Miscellaneous
Collatrap's Instant Pickling Stick CIPS 10 15 Miscellaneous
Crondor's Fabulous Detection CFD 10 15 Miscellaneous
Crondor's Marvellous Sequestration CMS2 60 350 Miscellaneous
Crondor's Mysterious Sparkling CMS 40 150 Miscellaneous
Dismal Digit of Doom DDD 10 30 Miscellaneous
Doctor Worblehat's Flaming Primate Premonition DWFPP 25 100 Miscellaneous
Duander's Thaumic Luminosity Disperser DTLD 20 30 Miscellaneous
Ellamandyr's Hyaline Amulet EHA2 15 10 Miscellaneous
Eringyas' Surprising Bouquet ESB 10 10 Miscellaneous
Fabrication Classification Identification FCI 15 45 Miscellaneous
Finneblaugh's Thaumic Float FTF 20 40 Miscellaneous
Floron's Fabulous Mirror FFM 15 40 Miscellaneous
Friddlefrod's Hydratic Extrusion FHE 10 10 Miscellaneous
Fyodor's Nimbus of Porterage FNP 35 75 Miscellaneous
Gillimer's Ring of Temperate Weather GRTW 25 100 Miscellaneous
Grisald's Chilly Touch GCT 5 10 Miscellaneous
Gryntard's Feathery Reliever GFR 25 60 Miscellaneous
Independent Recurring Vocaliser IRV 5 15 Miscellaneous
Jogloran's Portal of Cheaper Travel JPCT 20 100 Miscellaneous
Jorodin's Magnificent Communicator JMC 20 50 Miscellaneous
Malich's AshkEnte Circle MAC 10 20 Miscellaneous
Malich's AshkEnte Summoning Incantation MASI 60 120 Miscellaneous
Master Glimer's Amazing Glowing Thing MGAGT 30 150 Miscellaneous
Master Woddeley's Luminescent Companion MWLC 10 15 Miscellaneous
Myrandil's Mask of Death MMD 10 30 Miscellaneous
Narquin's Hand of Acquisition NHA 30 40 Miscellaneous
Objandeller's Thaumic Funnel OTF 15 15 Miscellaneous
Patient Taming of the Quantum Weather Butterfly PTQWB 50 85 Miscellaneous
Polliwiggle's Puissancy Probe PPP 10 15 Miscellaneous
Pragi's Molten Gaze PMG 10 20 Miscellaneous
Professor Flambardie's Grim Amulet PFGA 50 200 Miscellaneous
Rubayak's Power Dispenser RPD 5 20 Miscellaneous
Rubayak's Power Storage RPS 30 40 Miscellaneous
Scolorid's Scintillating Scribbling SSS 10 10 Miscellaneous
Thousand Dancing Celestial Fates TDCF 20 50 Miscellaneous
Torqvald's Illusion Generatrix TIG 50 100 Miscellaneous
Torqvald's Many Colours TMC 10 15 Miscellaneous
Turnwhistle's Effulgent Autiridescence TEA 10 150 Miscellaneous
Union of the Phoenix and Divine Dragon UPDD 25 50 Miscellaneous
Worstler's Advanced Metallurgical Glance WAMG 15 20 Miscellaneous
Worstler's Elementary Mineralogical Glance WEMG 5 10 Miscellaneous
Wurphle's Midnight Snack WMS 25 35 Miscellaneous
Yordon's Extremal Extension YEE 35 70 Miscellaneous