AdjustReputationWithFaction(object, object, int)
From NWN Lexicon
Adjusts the reputation of each member in oPC's party with oNPC's faction.
void AdjustReputationWithFaction( object oPC, object oNPC, int nAdjustment );
Contents |
[edit] Parameters
- oPC
- The player character whose party's reputation should be adjusted.
- oNPC
- An NPC member of the faction whose opinion of oPC's party will be changed.
- nAdjustment
- The amount (positive or negative) to adjust the reputation by.
[edit] Description
Adjusts the reputation of each member of the PC's party, including associates, with all members of the NPC's faction by the specified amount, between 100 and -100.
[edit] Remarks
To adjust the reputation of two non-player factions, use AdjustFactionReputation() instead.
Found in x0_i0_partywide, an include library for party-wide functions. NOTE: this library is included in x0_i0_common already. Do NOT include both files or you will get errors!
[edit] Requirements
#include "x0_i0_partywide"
[edit] Version
[edit] Example
#include "x0_i0_partywide" // This script, when placed on the "Actions Taken" node of a conversation, will // increase the PC speaker's party's reputation with the NPC's faction by 10. void main() { object oPC = GetPCSpeaker(); AdjustReputationWithFaction(oPC, OBJECT_SELF, 10); }
[edit] See Also
author: Peter Busby