AmbientSoundSetNightVolume(object, int)

From NWN Lexicon

Change the volume of the nighttime ambient soundtrack in an area.

void AmbientSoundSetNightVolume(
    object oArea,
    int nVolume


[edit] Parameters

The area to change.
The percentage (from 0 - 100) at which to set the volume.

[edit] Description

Set the volume of oArea's nighttime ambient soundtrack to nVolume.

[edit] Remarks

This function changes the volume of ambient sound, not ambient music.

Note that this does not effect any change on the "Sound Effects" slider in a Client's options. This is relative to other server-side sound volumes, and is itself affected by the client's sound volume settings

[edit] Version


[edit] Example

// A trigger's OnEvent script:
void main() 
    // Stop the music.
    object oArea = GetArea(OBJECT_SELF);
    // Change the ambient sound settings.
    AmbientSoundChangeDay     (oArea, 46);  // al_an_lizrdflk1
    AmbientSoundChangeNight   (oArea, 46);  // al_an_lizrdflk1
    AmbientSoundPlay          (oArea);      // In case it's off
    AmbientSoundSetDayVolume  (oArea, 100); // In case it's too quiet
    AmbientSoundSetNightVolume(oArea, 100); // In case it's too quiet
    // Start the music up again.
    DelayCommand(30.0, MusicBackgroundPlay(oArea));

[edit] See Also

functions:  AmbientSoundSetDayVolume, AmbientSoundStop

author: Iskander Merriman

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