
From NWN Lexicon

This is a list of sounds which animals make.

[edit] Sound

Sound Appears Description Notes Expansion
al_an_bees1 Bee Nest Loop bees buzz Looping -
al_an_bugs1 Bug Nest Loop bugs scurry Looping -
al_an_chickens1 Chickens Loop chickens cluck Looping -
al_an_crickets1 Crickets Loop crickets chirp Looping -
al_an_flies1 Flies Loop flies buzz Looping -
al_an_mosquitos1 Mosquito Loop mosquitos buzz, annoying Looping -
al_an_toads1 Toads Loop toads croak Looping -
as_an_bat1 Bat Cries & Flaps bat chirps Single Shot -
as_an_bat2 Bat Cries & Flaps bat squawks Single Shot -
as_an_bat3 Bat Cries & Flaps bat chirps Single Shot -
as_an_batflap1 Bat Cries & Flaps bat wing flaps Single Shot -
as_an_batflap2 Bat Cries & Flaps bat wing flaps and chirps Single Shot -
as_an_bats1 Bats Crying & Flapping bat chirps and squawks Single Shot -
as_an_bats2 Bats Crying & Flapping bats, chirps and squawks Single Shot -
as_an_batsflap1 Bats Crying & Flapping bats, wing flutters Single Shot -
as_an_batsflap2 Bats Crying & Flapping bats, wing flutters and chirps Single Shot -
as_an_bearwolf1 Wolf & Bear Cave Grunts animal grunts, echoes Single Shot -
as_an_bearwolf2 Wolf & Bear Cave Grunts animal grunts, echoes Single Shot -
as_an_bearwolf3 Wolf & Bear Cave Grunts animal grunts, echoes Single Shot -
as_an_birdflap1 Bird Flaps bird wings flap Single Shot -
as_an_birdflap2 Bird Flaps large bird wings flap Single Shot -
as_an_birdscary1 Bird Scary Cries vulture cry Single Shot -
as_an_birdscary2 Bird Scary Cries vulture cries Single Shot -
as_an_birdsflap1 Bird Flaps birds, wings flap Single Shot -
as_an_birdsflap2 Bird Flaps large birds, wings flap Single Shot -
as_an_bugsscary1 Bugs Scary rattlesnake sound, birds chirp Single Shot -
as_an_bugsscary2 Bugs Scary hisses, rattles, and chirps Single Shot -
as_an_catmeow1 Cat Meows housecat meows Single Shot -
as_an_catmeow2 Cat Meows housecat soft meows Single Shot -
as_an_catmeow3 Cat Meows housecat plaintive meow Single Shot -
as_an_catmeow4 Cat Meows housecat agitated meows Single Shot -
as_an_catscrech1 Cat Screeches cat hiss Single Shot -
as_an_catscrech2 Cat Screeches cat wails, hisses Single Shot -
as_an_chickens1 Chickens Squwak chickens clucking Single Shot -
as_an_cow1 Cow Moos cow moo, echo Single Shot -
as_an_cow2 Cow Moos cow moo, echo Single Shot -
as_an_cows1 Cow Moos cows mooing Single Shot -
as_an_cows2 Cow Moos cows mooing Single Shot -
as_an_crittcry1 animal cries Single Shot -
as_an_crittcry2 miscellaneous animal cries Single Shot -
as_an_crittgnaw1 Critters miscellaneous animal cries Single Shot -
as_an_crittgnaw2 Critters sandy animal burrows Single Shot -
as_an_crittgnaw3 Critters leaves rustle, animal burrows Single Shot -
as_an_crittgnaw4 Critters leaves rustle, animal burrows Single Shot -
as_an_crittpeep1 Critters animal chirps Single Shot -
as_an_crittpeep2 Critters animal chittering Single Shot -
as_an_crittscmp1 Critters animals chirp and scurry Single Shot -
as_an_crittscmp2 Critters animals chirp and scurry Single Shot -
as_an_crittscmp3 Critters animals chirp and scurry Single Shot -
as_an_crow1 Crow Caws crow caws Single Shot -
as_an_crow2 Crow Caws crow caws Single Shot -
as_an_crows1 Crow Caws crows caw Single Shot -
as_an_crows2 Crow Caws crows caw Single Shot -
as_an_cryday1 Animal Cries Day bleating calf or baby sheep Single Shot -
as_an_cryday2 Animal Cries Day yipping dog Single Shot -
as_an_cryday3 Animal Cries Day bird call, echoes Single Shot -
as_an_cryday4 Animal Cries Day bird call, echoes Single Shot -
as_an_crynight1 Animal Cries Night animal grunt, farm animal Single Shot -
as_an_crynight2 Animal Cries Night animal groan, bear Single Shot -
as_an_crynight3 Animal Cries Night animal howl, bear Single Shot -
as_an_crynight4 Animal Cries Night animal call, echoes Single Shot -
as_an_dogbark1 Dog Barks dog barks, distance Single Shot -
as_an_dogbark2 Dog Barks dog barks, menacing Single Shot -
as_an_dogbark3 Dog Barks dog barks, distance Single Shot -
as_an_dogbark4 Dog Barks dog barks, distance Single Shot -
as_an_dogbark5 Dog Barks dog growls, barks, menacing Single Shot -
as_an_dogbark6 Dog Barks dog barks, distance Single Shot -
as_an_dogbark7 Dog Barks dog barks, distance Single Shot -
as_an_dogsbark1 Dog Barks dog pack snarls Single Shot -
as_an_dogsbark2 Dog Barks dog pack snarls Single Shot -
as_an_dogsbark3 Dog Barks dog pack snarls Single Shot -
as_an_dragonror1 Dragon Roars dragon rumbles, echoes Single Shot -
as_an_dragonror2 Dragon Roars dragon rumbles, echoes Single Shot -
as_an_dragonror3 Dragon Roars dragon rumbles, echoes Single Shot -
as_an_fly1 Fly fly buzzes Single Shot -
as_an_frog1 Frog frog croaks Single Shot -
as_an_gull1 Seagull Cries seabird cries Single Shot -
as_an_gull2 Seagull Cries seabird cries Single Shot -
as_an_gulls1 Seagull Cries seabirds cry Single Shot -
as_an_gulls2 Seagull Cries seabirds cry Single Shot -
as_an_hawk1 Hawk Cry hunting bird cry Single Shot -
as_an_hawk1 Hawk Cry hunting bird cry Single Shot -
as_an_koboldwee ya hoo Single Shot -
as_an_lizrdhiss2 Lizardfolk Hisses reptilian snarls, hisses, echoes Single Shot -
as_an_lizrdhiss3 Lizardfolk Hisses reptilian snarls, hisses, echoes Single Shot -
as_an_lizwhisp1 Lizardfolk Hisses reptilian whispers, unintelligible Single Shot -
as_an_lizwhisp2 Lizardfolk Hisses reptilian whispers, unintelligible Single Shot -
as_an_lizwhisp3 Lizardfolk Hisses reptilian whispers, unintelligible Single Shot -
as_an_mephgrunt1 Mephit & Gargoyle Grunts creature grunts, echoes Single Shot -
as_an_mephgrunt2 Mephit & Gargoyle Grunts creature grunts, echoes Single Shot -
as_an_mephgrunt3 Mephit & Gargoyle Grunts creature grunts, echoes Single Shot -
as_an_ogregrunt1 Ogre Cave Grunts deep creature howls, echoes Single Shot -
as_an_ogregrunt2 Ogre Cave Grunts deep creature howls, echoes Single Shot -
as_an_ogregrunt3 Ogre Cave Grunts deep creature grunts, echoes Single Shot -
as_an_orcgrunt1 Orc Cave Grunts creature snorts, echoes Single Shot -
as_an_orcgrunt2 Orc Cave Grunts creature snorts, echoes Single Shot -
as_an_orcgrunt3 Orc Cave Grunts creature snorts, echoes Single Shot -
as_an_owlhoot1 Owl Hoots owl hoots Single Shot -
as_an_owlhoot2 Owl Hoots owl hoots Single Shot -
as_an_pigeon1 Pigeon Coos pigeon coos Single Shot -
as_an_pigeon2 Pigeon Coos pigeon coos Single Shot -
as_an_ratdie1 Rat Squeaks rat squeaks, end in shriek Single Shot -
as_an_ratdie2 Rat Squeaks rat squeaks, end in shriek Single Shot -
as_an_ratsqueak1 Rat Squeaks rat squeaks Single Shot -
as_an_ratsqueak2 Rat Squeaks rat squeaks Single Shot -
as_an_ratsqueak3 Rat Squeaks rat squeaks, scurries Single Shot -
as_an_ratssqeak1 Rat Squeaks rat pack squeaks Single Shot -
as_an_ratssqeak2 Rat Squeaks rat pack squeaks, scurries Single Shot -
as_an_ratssqeak3 Rat Squeaks rat pack squeaks, scurries Single Shot -
as_an_rooster1 Rooster rooster crows Single Shot -
as_an_songbird1 Songbird Chirps song bird chirps Single Shot -
as_an_songbird2 Songbird Chirps song bird chirps Single Shot -
as_an_songbird3 Songbird Chirps song bird chirps Single Shot -
as_an_songbirds1 Songbird Chirps song birds chirp Single Shot -
as_an_songbirds2 Songbird Chirps song birds chirp Single Shot -
as_an_songbirds3 Songbird Chirps song birds chirp Single Shot -
as_an_toad1 Toad toad croaks Single Shot -
as_an_vulture1 Vulture Cry vulture cry Single Shot -
as_an_wererat1 Wererat Cave Grunts creature grunts, chitters, echoes Single Shot -
as_an_wererat2 Wererat Cave Grunts creature grunts, squeals, echoes Single Shot -
as_an_wererat3 Wererat Cave Grunts creature squeal, echoes Single Shot -
as_an_wolfhowl1 Wolf Howls wolf howl Single Shot -
as_an_wolfhowl2 Wolf Howls wolf howl, long Single Shot -
as_an_wolveshwl1 Wolf Howls wolves and dogs howling, barking Single Shot -
as_an_wolveshwl2 Wolf Howls wolves and dogs howling, barking Single Shot -
as_an_woodpeckr1 Woodpecker Pecks woodpecker pecks Single Shot -
as_an_woodpeckr2 Woodpecker Pecks woodpecker pecks Single Shot -
as_an_x2cvbat1 Cave Bats bat screech Single Shot HotU
as_an_x2cvbat2 Cave Bats bat screech Single Shot HotU
as_an_x2cvbat3 Cave Bats bat screech Single Shot HotU
as_an_x2cvbat4 Cave Bats bat screech Single Shot HotU
as_an_x2cvbat5 Cave Bats bat screech Single Shot HotU
as_an_x2cvbat6 Cave Bats bat screech Single Shot HotU
as_an_x2cvbat7 Cave Bats bat screech Single Shot HotU
as_an_x2cvbat8 Cave Bats bat screech Single Shot HotU
as_an_x2cvbat9 Cave Bats bat screech Single Shot HotU
as_an_x2cvbat10 Cave Bats bat screech Single Shot HotU
as_an_x2cvhwl1 Cave Creatures creature grunts, snorts Single Shot HotU
as_an_x2cvhwl2 Cave Creatures creature grunts, snorts Single Shot HotU
as_an_x2cvhwl3 Cave Creatures creature grunts, snorts Single Shot HotU
as_an_x2cvhwl4 Cave Creatures creature grunts, snorts Single Shot HotU
as_an_x2cvhwl5 Cave Creatures creature grunts, snorts Single Shot HotU
as_an_x2cvhwl6 Cave Creatures creature grunts, snorts Single Shot HotU
as_an_x2cvhwl7 Cave Creatures creature grunts, snorts Single Shot HotU
as_an_x2cvhwl8 Cave Creatures creature grunts, snorts Single Shot HotU
as_an_x2cvhwl9 Cave Creatures creature grunts, snorts Single Shot HotU
as_an_x2cvhwl10 Cave Creatures creature grunts, snorts Single Shot HotU
as_an_x2cvhwl11 Cave Creatures creature grunts, snorts Single Shot HotU
as_an_x2cvhwl12 Cave Creatures creature grunts, snorts Single Shot HotU
as_an_x2cvhwl13 Cave Creatures creature grunts, snorts Single Shot HotU
as_an_x2cvhwl14 Cave Creatures creature grunts, snorts Single Shot HotU
as_an_x2cvhwl15 Cave Creatures creature grunts, snorts Single Shot HotU
as_an_x2cvhwl16 Cave Creatures creature grunts, snorts Single Shot HotU
as_an_x2cvhwl17 Cave Creatures creature grunts, snorts Single Shot HotU
as_an_x2cvhwl18 Cave Creatures creature grunts, snorts Single Shot HotU
as_an_x2cvhwl19 Cave Creatures creature grunts, snorts Single Shot HotU
as_an_x2cvhwl20 Cave Creatures creature grunts, snorts Single Shot HotU
as_an_x2spdlrg1 Underdark Spiders critter howl, trumpet Single Shot HotU
as_an_x2spdlrg2 Underdark Spiders critter sprays goo, froths, scurries Single Shot HotU
as_an_x2spdlrg3 Underdark Spiders critter sprays goo, froths, scurries Single Shot HotU
as_an_x2spdlrg4 Underdark Spiders critter sprays goo, froths, scurries Single Shot HotU
as_an_x2spdlrg5 Underdark Spiders critter sprays goo, froths, scurries Single Shot HotU
as_an_x2spdlrg6 Underdark Spiders critter sprays goo, froths, scurries Single Shot HotU
as_an_x2spdlrg7 Underdark Spiders critter sprays goo, froths, scurries Single Shot HotU
as_an_x2spdlrg8 Underdark Spiders critter sprays goo, squishes Single Shot HotU
as_an_x2spdlrg9 Underdark Spiders critter sprays goo, squishes Single Shot HotU
as_an_x2spdlrg10 Underdark Spiders critter sprays goo, froths, scurries Single Shot HotU
as_an_x2spdlrg11 Underdark Spiders critter sprays goo, froths, scurries Single Shot HotU
as_an_x2spdlrg12 Underdark Spiders critter howl, trumpet Single Shot HotU
as_an_x2spdlrg13 Underdark Spiders critter sprays goo, froths, scurries Single Shot HotU
as_an_x2spdlrg14 Underdark Spiders critter sprays goo, froths, scurries Single Shot HotU
as_an_x2spdlrg15 Underdark Spiders critter howl, trumpet Single Shot HotU
as_an_x2spdlrg16 Underdark Spiders critter mew, howl Single Shot HotU
as_an_x2spdlrg17 Underdark Spiders critter mew, howl Single Shot HotU
as_an_x2spdlrg18 Underdark Spiders critter mew, howl Single Shot HotU
as_an_x2spdlrg19 Underdark Spiders critter howl, trumpet Single Shot HotU
as_an_x2spdlrg20 Underdark Spiders critter mew, squirm Single Shot HotU

[edit] See Also

functions:  PlaySound

author: NWN Lexicon Group, editor: Mistress, contributor: Tyndrel

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