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[edit] GenerateNewLocationFromLocation(location, float, float, float)
Creates a new location from a given location
[edit] Parameters
Location to start from
Create new location at this distance from lTarget
And at this angle
Orientation of the new location
[edit] Description
This function returns a new location based on the following.
A location:
The name of this function is GenerateNewLocationFromLocation so this is the originating location that serves as teh point of reference for the new location.
A distance and an angle:
The new location is going to be (distance) away at (angle) angle with zero being north.
A orientation
Once created the location will be given the supplied facing.
object GetAreaFromLocation(location lTarget)
vector GetPositionFromLocation(location lTarget)
vector GetChangedPosition(vector vOriginal, float fDistance, float fAngle)
location Location(object oArea, vector vNewPos, float fOrientation)
[edit] Remarks
BioWare lists this as a private function, but I can see a lot of purposes for this function.
Function is found in x0_i0_position, but including nw_i0_generic will suffice.
[edit] Requirements
#include " x0_i0_position "
[edit] Version
[edit] See Also
author: Lilac Soul, editors: Michael Nork, Mistress