
From NWN Lexicon


[edit] GetAreaFromLocation(location)

Returns the area that a particular location is in.

object GetAreaFromLocation(
    location lLocation = None

[edit] Parameters


The location (Default: None)

[edit] Description

Get the area's object ID from lLocation.

The function GetArea would generally be used more often, as it's parameter is an object, rather than a location, but GetAreaFromLocation is useful when a location is being manipulated. For example, when a new location is needed based on the facing, and/or the position of an existing location.

[edit] Remarks

If the location provided isn't valid, the function returns OBJECT_INVALID.

It is a good way to get if a stored GetLocalLocation() is invalid or valid - it is basically the only way to do it! If the area is valid for the local location, a creature can be sucessfully moved there without problems (where they appear is another matter).

[edit] Version


[edit] Example

    // Get the location of the calling object
    location lMyLocation = GetLocation (OBJECT_SELF);
    // Get the area, position and facing
    object   oArea       = GetAreaFromLocation (lMyLocation);
    vector   vPosition   = GetPositionFromLocation (lMyLocation);
    float    fFacing     = GetFacingFromLocation (lMyLocation);
    // Build a new location, which faces in the opposite direction
    location lNewLocation = Location (oArea, vPosition, fFacing + 180.0);

[edit] See Also



 author: Steve Moseley, editor: Jasperre

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