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[edit] GetChangedPosition(vector, float, float)
Convenience function that returns a vector that is fDistance away in fAngle direction
vector GetChangedPosition( vector vOriginal, float fDistance, float fAngle );
[edit] Parameters
Original Position as a Vector
Distance to new location
Direction to new location
[edit] Description
This is a convenience function that returns a vector representing the position that is (fDistance:float*meters) at fAngle:float from vOriginal:vector. The function does not calculate any change in the Z-axis, instead assigning the current Z-axis to the new position. If a negative coordinate is generated, the absolute value will be used instead.
float GetChangeInX(float fDistance, float fAngle)
float GetChangeInY(float fDistance, float fAngle)
[edit] Remarks
This writer has to wonder why the author of this function didnât simply write it as follows:
vector vChanged;
vChanged.z = vOriginal.z;
vChanged.x = vOriginal.x + (fDistance* Cos(fAngle));
if (vChanged.x < 0.0)
vChanged.x = - vChanged.x;
vChanged.y = vOriginal.y + (fDistance* Sin(fAngle));
if (vChanged.y < 0.0)
vChanged.y = - vChanged.y;
return vChanged;
This would have avoided the cognitive overhead of two extra functions (GetChangeInX, and GetChangeInY). Although I can see the need for a AbsFloat(fNum:Float):float that returns the absolute value of a float (since the Abs function takes an int)...
[edit] Requirements
#include " x0_i0_position "
[edit] Version
[edit] See Also
functions: |
author: Michael Nork