
From NWN Lexicon


[edit] GetCurrentAction(object)

Returns the currently executing Action.

int GetCurrentAction(
    object oObject = OBJECT_SELF

[edit] Parameters


The object to return the Action of. (Default: OBJECT_SELF)

[edit] Description

Get the current action (ACTION_*) that oObject is executing from its Action Queue. oObject can be anything with an action queue. Modules and Areas cannot have actions assigned to them.

[edit] Remarks

As of 1.60, Defensive stance and Random Walk can be returned by new constants. Some actions still return ACTION_INVALID, however.

Use GetActionMode() to check if a creature is using parry, power attack and so on.

[edit] Version


[edit] Example

// On Phsical Attacked event, if we are currently moving, stop.
// Could use to stop a moving archery target in an archery range.
void main()
    if(GetUserDefinedEventNumber() == 1005)
        // Check action - ACTION_MOVETOPOINT
        if(GetCurrentAction() == ACTION_MOVETOPOINT)
            // Stop moving
            // Could do other stuff

[edit] See Also


ACTION_* Constants

 author: Ryan Hunt, editor: Jasperre

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