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[edit] GetItemPropertyType(itemproperty)
Returns the type of itemproperty a property is.
int GetItemPropertyType( itemproperty ip );
[edit] Parameters
Itemproperty to get the type of.
[edit] Description
Will return the item property type.
[edit] Remarks
Returns -1 on error, including if ip is not a valid itemproperty.
Can be used to remove itemproperties of a certain type from an item.
[edit] Version
[edit] Example
//Remove true seeing from the entering PC's headgear void main() { //Entering object object oPC=GetEnteringObject(); //Only PCs if (!GetIsPC(oPC)) return; //That PC's helmet object oItem=GetItemInSlot(INVENTORY_SLOT_HEAD, oPC); //Stop script if the PC had no helmet on if (!GetIsObjectValid(oItem)) return; //Get the first itemproperty on the helmet itemproperty ipLoop=GetFirstItemProperty(oItem); //Loop for as long as the ipLoop variable is valid while (GetIsItemPropertyValid(ipLoop)) { //If ipLoop is a true seeing property, remove it if (GetItemPropertyType(ipLoop)==ITEM_PROPERTY_TRUE_SEEING) RemoveItemProperty(oItem, ipLoop); //Next itemproperty on the list... ipLoop=GetNextItemProperty(oItem); } SendMessageToPC(oPC, IntToString(GetItemPropertyType(ipLoop))); }
[edit] See Also
functions: |
author: Lilac Soul