From NWN Lexicon
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[edit] SetAssociateState(int, int)
Changes the behavior of an associate.
void SetAssociateState( int nCondition, int bValid = TRUE );
[edit] Parameters
Flag the NW_ASC_* value to TRUE or FALSE (on/off). (Default: TRUE)
[edit] Description
Changes one of the NW_ASC_*, NW_ASC_DISTANCE_*, NW_ASC_HEAL_AT_*, NW_ASC_AGGRESSIVE_* constant settings for an NPC associate to on (TRUE) or off (FALSE).
These settings are stored and manipulated using bit arithmetic on the "NW_ASSOCIATE_MASTER" integer variable local to the NPC associate.
[edit] Remarks
This function also exists in #include x0_inc_states . The code is slightly different.
[edit] Requirements
#include " x0_i0_assoc "
[edit] Version
[edit] See Also
functions: | |
constants: |
author: Charles Feduke, editors: Jody Fletcher, Mistress