
From NWN Lexicon


[edit] ShadowBolt(object, int)

Used with Greater Shadow Conjuration spell to cast a damaging bolt towards an NPC.

void ShadowBolt(
    object oTarget,
    int nMetaMagic

[edit] Parameters


Target to cast ShadowBolt on.


Specific feat to enhance power of bolt.

[edit] Description

This is an invalid function, and is for an incomplete, and totally unused spell file. Please do not take this Bioware function and use it.

Receives the target and any meta-feat information. Determines amount of damage (3d6), if any meta-feat enhancements exists, it enables them. (i.e. Maximize & Enpower). Checks for Reflex save (for half damage).

Builds the visual FX and damage FX and applies them to the oTarget.

[edit] Remarks

Script: nw_s0_grshconj.nss: Line: 17

[edit] Known Bugs

It will not compile, it is never fired from the game or used in any way.

[edit] Requirements

#include " nw_s0_grshconj "

[edit] Version


[edit] See Also


OnSpellCastAt Event

 author: Jody Fletcher, editor: Jasperre, additional contributor(s): Jasperre

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