Category:Visual Effects Functions
From NWN Lexicon
[edit] Visual Effects Function Category
Visual Effect related functions.
[edit] Functions
Name | Brief Description |
Display casting animation and spell visuals without subsequent spell effects. | |
Display casting animation and spell visuals without subsequent spell effects. | |
Plays an animation (fire and forget, looping, or placeable) before executing the next action in the queue. | |
Applies an effect at a location. | |
Applies an effect (visual or actual) to an object. | |
Creates a new visual effect object | |
Briefly displays ambient text above targets head. | |
Allows a melee weapon have a certain glow. | |
Determines and plays animation for resisting a spell when applicable. | |
Checks for spell countering by a saving throw. | |
Makes caller face a PC and play an animation. | |
Applies the visual effect for improved ability score to a target. | |
Specifies the visual special effect and specific creature to be summoned based on the spell cast. | |
Allows you to set the weather for an area or the entire module. | |
Used with Greater Shadow Conjuration spell to cast a damaging bolt towards an NPC. | |
Changes the tiles of an entire area. | |
Similar to TLChangeAreaGroundTiles , but it auto determines height and width of the area. | |
Removes tile magic visual effects from an area. | |
Similar to TLResetAreaGroundTiles , but it auto determines height and width of the area. | |
Creates a rising or falling pillar with a certain visual effect. |
Pages in category "Visual Effects Functions"
The following 20 pages are in this category, out of 20 total.