From NWN Lexicon
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[edit] SpeakOneLinerConversation(string, object)
Immediately speak a conversation one-liner.
void SpeakOneLinerConversation( string sDialogResRef = "", OBJECT_TYPE_INVALID );
[edit] Parameters
(Default: "")
This must be specified if there are creature-specific tokens in the string. (Default: OBJECT_TYPE_INVALID )
[edit] Description
Causes the calling object to immediately speak the first non-branching conversation line in their dialogue. Since there is no second party to the conversation, oTokenTarget can be used to determine formatting of tokens contained in the one-liner.
[edit] Remarks
Note that if you have a script on a non-branching conversation line, GetPCSpeaker can not be used to get the PC.
[edit] Version
[edit] See Also
constants: |
author: Jeff Lindsey, editor: Lilac Soul