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[edit] TriggerExplodeObject(int)
Blow up the nearest object with a matching tag with the specified spell.
void TriggerExplodeObject( int nSpell = SPELL_FIREBALL );
[edit] Parameters
The SPELL_* used to destroy the target. (Default: SPELL_FIREBALL)
[edit] Description
Blow up the nearest object with a matching tag with the specified spell.
This should be called by the trigger object! It ASSUMES that GetEnteringObject will work for OBJECT_SELF here.
This destroys the trigger after it is successfully invoked by the PC.
[edit] Remarks
This function does nothing if the entering object is not a PC based on the results of a call to ExplodeObject for exploding by nSpell.
After a 5 second delay. OBJECT_SELF is destroyed as well. But quietly without any fanfair. This destruction makes the trigger one time use instead of repeatable use.
[edit] Requirements
#include " x0_i0_corpses "
[edit] Version
[edit] See Also
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author: Mistress