X0 inc generic

From NWN Lexicon

[edit] x0_inc_generic

New functions breaking down some of the 'big' functions in x0_i0_equip .

[edit] Constants

Name Value Brief Description
NO_SMART FALSE If this is TRUE there is no CR consideration for using powers.

[edit] Functions

Name Brief Description
bkAcquireTarget Determine our target for the next combat round. Normally, this will be the same target as the last round. The only time this changes is if the target is gone/killed or they are in dying mode.
bkEvaluationSanityCheck Returns TRUE if something that shouldn't have happened, happens. Will abort this combat round.
bkSetupBehavior Set up our hated class.
bkTalentFilter This function is the last minute filter to prevent any inappropriate effects from being applied to inapproprite creatures.
ChooseNewTarget Choose a new nearby target. Target must be an enemy, perceived, and not in dying mode. If possible, we first target members of a class we "hate" -- this is generally random, to keep everyone from attacking the same target.


Determines if a spell is the same as the one previously cast by the creature.
GetCombatDifficulty Return the combat difficulty. This is only used for henchmen and its only function currently is to keep henchmen from casting spells in an easy fight.
GetCRMax Returns the the max CR for this particular scenario.


Determines whether a creature is "fighting".


Retrieves the last spell that was cast by the calling creature.


Sets a local variable that stores the spell ID of the last spell cast.

  author: Mistress

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