From NWN Lexicon
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[edit] KillAndExplode(object, int)
Kill and leave an exploding corpse.
void KillAndExplode( object oVictim, int nSpell = SPELL_FIREBALL );
[edit] Parameters
The object to slaughter.
The SPELL_* to cast. (Default: SPELL_FIREBALL)
[edit] Description
Kill and leave an exploding corpse.
Despite the name, can be used in an OnDeath script; it won't kill the victim twice.
Any spell can be used.
[edit] Remarks
This function starts off with a call to ExplodeObject is called and it is all over for oVictim as they explode gloriously thanks to the work of nSpell.
[edit] Requirements
#include " x0_i0_corpses "
[edit] Version
[edit] See Also
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author: Mistress