Category:Local Variables Functions
From NWN Lexicon
[edit] Local Variables Function Category
Functions used to deal with local variables.
[edit] Functions
Name | Brief Description |
Scans through the PC's party and returns the largest value stored on a character. | |
Sets a local integer on each of the party members. | |
Deletes oObject's float variable sVarName | |
Deletes oObject's integer variable sVarName. | |
Deletes oObject's location variable sVarName. | |
Deletes oObject's object variable sVarName | |
Deletes oObject's string variable sVarName. | |
Removes a persistent floating point variable from a creature's skin item. | |
Removes a persistent integer variable from a creature's skin item. | |
Removes a persistent string variable from a creature's skin item. | |
Simulates retrieving an Integer from an array on an object. | |
Simulates retrieving a String from an array on an object. | |
Get the value of a decimal number stored on an object. | |
Get the value of a whole number stored on an object. | |
Get the data describing a location stored on an object. | |
Get the data describing an object stored on an object. | |
Get the value of a string of characters stored on an object. | |
Determines the value of a locally stored variable from any PC in a party. | |
Retrieves a persistent floating point variable from a creature's skin item. | |
Retrieves a persistent integer variable from a creature's skin item. | |
Retrieves a persistent string variable from a creature's skin item. | |
Returns an object stored locally on the calling object that holds quest related state information. | |
Sets a local integer variable for all players in a player's party. | |
Sets a local integer variable for all players in GetPCSpeaker's party. | |
Stores the tag of the artifact item in a local string. | |
Stores the tag of the assassin victimâs head in a local string. | |
Stores the tag of the complex item in a local string. | |
Sets where all the globals for a plot are going to be stored. | |
Simulates storing a local integer in an array. | |
Simulates storing a local string in an array. | |
Store a float as a local variable within an object. | |
Sets a local float variable on all members of PC's party | |
Store a number as a local variable within an object. | |
Sets a local integer on all members of PC's party | |
Store a location as a local variable within an object. | |
Sets a local location variable on all members of PC's party | |
Store an object as a local variable within an object. | |
Sets a local object variable on all members of the PC's party | |
Store a string as a local variable within an object. | |
Sets a local string on all members and associates of PC's party | |
Sets a variable that remains attached to a PC party. | |
Stores a persistent floating point variable on a creature's skin item. | |
Stores a persistent integer variable on a creature's skin item. | |
Stores a persistent string variable on a creature's skin item. | |
Specifies the PC name the henchman is working for. |
author: NWN Lexicon Group, editor: Mistress, contributor: Axe Murderer
Pages in category "Local Variables Functions"
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