Nw i0 spells
From NWN Lexicon
[edit] nw_i0_spells
Spell related functions.
[edit] Constants
Name | Value | Brief Description |
NW_I0_SPELLS_MAX_BREACH | 33 | Number of spells in GetSpellBreachProtections |
[edit] Functions
Name | Brief Description |
Returns TRUE if the target is a humanoid. | |
Causes the creator of an area of effect spell to speak. | |
CalcNumberOfAttacks | Internal function. Calculates the appropriate base number of attacks for spells that increase this (tensers, divine power). |
Creates a linked effect that can be used for all doom effects. | |
Creates a protection from alignment effect. | |
Performs a spell breach up to nTotal spells are removed and nSR spell resistance is lowered. | |
GetDragonFearDC | Internal function. Adding a function, we were using two different sets of numbers before. Standardizing it to be closer to 3e. nAge - hit dice |
Generates a random number between two values used for time delays. | |
Determines a scaled down duration based on the game difficulty setting. | |
Creates a new effect based on the game difficulty. | |
Returns the next protection spell from a list of seventeen. | |
Determines the time an effect should be delayed. | |
Determines and plays animation for resisting a spell when applicable. | |
Checks for spell countering by a saving throw. | |
Makes a dragon sound its battle cry. | |
RemoveEffectsFromSpell | Internal function. Removes any effects from this type of spell. i.e., used in Mage Armor to remove any previous mage armors. |
Removes all spell protections of a specific type. | |
Removes effects from a creature. | |
Removes the effects of a spell cast on a creature. | |
RemoveTempHitPoints | Internal function. Gets rids of temporary hit points so that they will not stack. |
spellsCure | Internal function. Used by the 'cure' series of spells. Will do max heal/damage if at normal or low difficulty. Random rolls occur at higher difficulties. |
Function for doing electrical traps. |
events: | |
includes: |
author: Charles Feduke, editors: Mistress, ShaDoOoW