
From NWN Lexicon


[edit] TLChangeAreaGroundTiles(object, int, int, int, float)

Changes the tiles of an entire area.

void TLChangeAreaGroundTiles(
    object oArea,
    int nGroundTileConst,
    int nColumns,
    int nRows,
    float fZOffset = -0.4f

[edit] Parameters


Area to change the tiles of




Columns in the area


Rows in the area


Z-axis coordinate for the tile magic. (Default: -0.4f)

[edit] Description

Change the type of the ground or (by default) sub ground tiles (i.e. water) to the specified type.

[edit] Remarks

This function will flood the entire area with the tile in question. nColumns and nRows indicate the size of the area. For instance, a 4 * 6 area will have 4 columns and 6 rows.

You may not want to flood your entire area, but this function will give you a pretty good idea how to use the tile magic (tm). Basically, you just create an invisible object in the center of a tile, and apply a permanent visual effect to that invisible object.

[edit] Requirements

#include " x2_inc_toollib "

[edit] Version


[edit] Example

// Create a Small (4x4) Rural or City Exterior area, place the Start Location
// in the area and add this script to the area's OnEnter event. When the first
// player (or creature) enters the area the TileMagic effect will be created.
// This script will actually work from any object event except the module events.
#include "x2_inc_toollib"
void main()
    object oArea = GetArea(OBJECT_SELF);
    // We only want to apply tilemagic if it does not already exist.
    if(GetLocalInt(oArea, "TILEMAGIC_APPLIED") == FALSE)
        // Cover a 3x3 square with knee-high water: the square starts in the
        // area's bottom left corner and extends x columns right and y rows up.
        // NOTE: the water tile has a built in z-offset of -1m, so to make it
        // it knee-high for a human (about 0.5m) we have to raise it by 1.5m.
        TLChangeAreaGroundTiles(oArea, X2_TL_GROUNDTILE_WATER, 3, 3, 1.5);
        // Set a variable to indicate the tilemagic exists.
        SetLocalInt(oArea, "TILEMAGIC_APPLIED", TRUE);

[edit] See Also




X2_TL_GROUNDTILE_* Constants


An Introduction To TileMagic

 author: Lilac Soul, editors: Mistress, Sunjammer, Axe Murderer

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